Export Conversion Tracking Statistics (window)
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    Export Conversion Tracking Statistics (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​main navigation, click Administration​ > Categories​.

      ⇒ The ​Link Categories​ window opens to the ​Link​ tab.

    2. Click ​Conversion Tracking​.
      ⇒ The​ Conversion Tracking​ window opens.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column, click    > ​Export​.
      ⇒ The ​Export Contact Data​ window opens.


    The  ​Export Conversion Tracking Statistics​ window is where you can export the click and purchase information that has been collected during the conversion tracking process.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Export conversion tracking statistics for a specific list type. You can export the following types of data:

      • The number of items that were ordered per conversion.

      • The total purchase value.

      • The exact time of purchase

      • The ID of the message that resulted in a conversion.

    • Filter the export data by date or other criteria, including specific values that are stored in standard and custom attributes





    Starts the export. When the export is completed, the system sends an email to your registered email address. This email contains a link that allows you to access the CSV list with the requested files. The first row of the list defines the different columns in the file. The data is stored for seven days in the database and are achievable via this link during this time.




    ​List Type​

    Defines which list type is exported.

    ​Conversion Data​

    Defines which conversion statistics are included in the export file.

    • ​Ordered Items (No.)​ - Exports the number of items that were purchased by the contact.

    • ​Order Value​ - Exports the total price that the contact paid for each item.

    • ​Message ID​ - Exports the ID of the message that resulted in a conversion.

    • ​Timestamp​ - Exports the exact time of the purchase.

    • ​Link Parameters​ - Exports the value of any additional parameter added to a link's URL in a message. For more information, see Add Parameter to a Link Manually.

    ​Time Frame (optional)​

    Limits the exported data to a specific time frame.

    • ​From Date​ - Defines the start date for the time frame. To select a date from a calendar, click the   symbol.
      If you do not specify a From Date, the date of the creation of the group is used.

    • ​To Date​ - Defines the end date for the time frame. To select a date from a calendar, click the   symbol. The current date is used if you do not specify a To Date.

    Attribute Filter​

    These options limit the export to contacts who match specific attribute criteria. You can specify up to two attributes. Filter attributes are combined with the logical operator AND. To add a second attribute filter, click the   symbol.




    Enables the attribute filter.


    Disables the attribute filter.

    ​Select Attribute​

    Defines the profile attribute to use as filter criteria.


    Defines the value which the profile attribute must match for the contact to be included in the export.

    Standard Attributes​

    In this area, you specify the standard attributes to include in the export. To export all standard attribute data, use the  ​Select All option. The following profile attributes are available in every Engage system and can be selected for export. If a contact profile does not contain data for an attribute, the field is left blank in the export file.



    Email Address​

    Exports the email address of each contact.

    ​Mobile Number​

    Exports the mobile phone number of each contact.

    ​Mobile App Alias​

    Exports the mobile app alias of each contact.

    First Name​

    Exports the first names of each contact.

    ​Last Name​

    Exports the last names of each contact.

    ​Preferred Name​

    Exports the preferred name of each contact. This name can be different than the first or last name.

    ​Postal Code​

    Exports the postal code of each contact.


    Exports a numeric value representing the preferred prefix added to the name for each contact. Each value corresponds to a specific prefix, as follows:

    • 1:  Mr.

    • 2:  Ms.

    • -1:  No data

    ​Date of Birth​

    Exports the date of birth for each contact.

    ​Source ID​

    Exports the source ID associated with each contact.


    Exports the method that is used to add each contact to the group. For example: added, imported, or unknown.


    Exports the external identifier of each contact.

    ​Country Code​

    Exports the country code for each contact. The format is the ISO 3166 standard format. For more information, see http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm.

    ​Language Code​

    Exports the preferred language of each contact. The format is the ISO 639-1 standard format. For more information, see http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/language_codes.htm.

    ​Time Zone​

    Exports the time zone of each contact.

    Custom Attributes​

    In this area, you specify the custom attributes to include in the export. To export all custom attribute data, use the  ​Select All​ option.

    Advanced Options​




    Defines the character encoding that is used for the export file.

    ​Time Zone​

    Defines the time zone that is used to determine the timestamp and time frame.

    ​Use Contact Time Zone​

    Overrides the  ​Time Zone setting. The time zone set in each contact profile determines the date of subscription or unsubscription. When the time zone is not set in the contact profile, the default time zone of the group is used.


    The  ​Time Zone attribute for contact A is set to Europe/Berlin [GMT+01:00].

    Contact A and group Z have a  ​Time Zone setting of Europe/Berlin [GMT+01:00].

    The  ​Time Zone attribute for contact B is set to America/New York [GMT-05:00].

    Both contacts are group members with the default time zone set to Europe/Berlin [GMT+01:00].

    Contact A makes a purchase at 13:00 in Berlin.

    Contact B makes a purchase at precisely the same moment in New York.

    ​Use Contact Time Zone​  On: The purchase time recorded for contact A is 13:00. The time recorded for contact B is 08:00.

    ​Use Contact Time Zone​  Off: The purchase time recorded for both contacts is based on the time zone selected in the  ​Time Zone drop-down list. If there is no time zone that is selected for this setting, the default time zone of the group is used. The unsubscription time that is recorded for both contacts is 13:00.

    Related Topics​

    ​Conversion Tracking​
    ​Create a Tracking Pixel​
    Activate Conversion Tracking for Messages​

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