Facebook Custom Audiences with Marketing Automation
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    Facebook Custom Audiences with Marketing Automation

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    Article summary

    This article shows, how to create Facebook Custom Audiences with the help of Mapp Marketing Automation.

    Function description

    A remarketing list is a collection of visitors of your website. With that Facebook gives you the opportunity to show ads to targeted visitors (Custom Audiences).

    Mapp Marketing Automation uses customer‘s behavior on the website in real-time to built up those lists.

    Example for use cases with trigger:

    • Bid more money for users, who are likely to generate high revenue.
      Trigger: Product with an order value greater than 100€ in the shopping cart.

    • Bid less money for users, who have often returned products.
      Trigger: Return rate greater than 50%.

    • Show appropriate ads of product categories, from which users have already bought something on your website.
      Trigger: Purchased product category = Shoes.

    With the usage of Mapp 2 advantages over the direct integration of the Facebook Remarketing Tag amount:

    • For target groups not only in-session-behavior can be used, but also all historical data is available (e.g. RFM/RFE-groups, Information about returns)

    • Data sovereignty is assured: As the Google Remarketing Tag is not integrated, only necessary data is passed to Google.

    In this article, we are going to set up a remarketing list for "High Potential Buyers". The trigger in Mapp Marketing Automation is activated when a product has been added to the shopping cart. All appropriate users will be added to the remarketing list.

    Create a Facebook pixel

    First of all a pixel must be created in the Adverts Manager of Facebook.

    Open the menu and click on "Pixels".

    Click on "Create a Pixel". In an overlay, you must give the pixel a name, then confirm.

    In order to display the pixel immediately, go onto "Install Pixel Now". You are now able to view the Pixel Base Code and copy it (e.g. into a text file). This code is necessary for the campaign creation in Mapp Marketing Automation.

    Creating campaigns in Mapp Marketing Automation

    Basic settings

    The campaign creation takes place in Marketing > Campaigns > Create a new campaign

    • Use an informative name. This simplifies the later analysis.

    Target group

    For our campaign, we have to create a Real-time Behaviour for all users.

    Define for the custom trigger following rule: All customers, who have put at least 1 product into the shopping cart, shall be added to the remarketing list.

    Filter: "Number of products in basket".


    Select "Create a new Audience stream".

    Use an informative name and paste the code copied from Facebook.

    The configuration in Mapp Marketing Automation is now complete. Now you can use this information on Facebook for a campaign.

    Setting up a custom audience in Facebook

    To set up a Custom Audience in Facebook, go to the menu again and click on Audiences > Create a Custom Audience > Website Traffic.

    To address a specific target group select "Visitors by URL".

    Below "URL contains" fill in the name of the campaign, which has been created in Mapp Marketing Automation, and confirm with "Create Audience".


    How often has the campaign been triggered?

    In Mapp Marketing Automation the metric "Clicks" is available. This shows you, how often the trigger has activated the campaign.

    Hint: When a visitor has put several products into his basket, he will be counted multiple times into "Clicks".

    How many users have been added to the remarketing list?

    If you want to find out, how many unique users have been added to the list, you have to use Mapp Intelligence. For this, click on the button "Explore in Analytics".

    Add the metric "Visitors" into the Teaser Performance analysis.

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