Features (tab)
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    Features (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Administration​ > ​System Settings > Settings.

    2. Click ​Features​

      ⇒ The ​System Settings​ window opens to the ​Features​ tab.


    This tab shows you which features are enabled for your system. To find specific features, you can filter these features by various criteria




    Feature Name

    Displays the name of the feature. This feature is also called a feature switch.


    Displays the data type, which is generally string, Boolean, or integer.


    Displays the value that is stored in the databank for your system for this feature.

    Boolean features are turned on or off. Here "true" means that you have access to this feature, and "false" means that this feature is not available.

    For other feature types, the Mapp stores a value for your system.


    The tags group the features into categories of related features.


    This field provides a basic description of the feature. For more information, contact your customer representative.


    At the top of the window, you can use filter options to display specific features.

    To find specific filters, you can filter the displayed features by Name, Type, Value, Tags, or text in the Description.

    To filter the features, enter the filter criteria in the corresponding field and hit ​Enter​. You can enter filter criteria in one or several fields.

    To filter the features by tags, select the corresponding tags from the drop-down list in the ​Tags​ field and hit ​Enter​. You can only select one tag in this field.

    To remove the filter criteria, click ​Remove Filter​.

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