- 4 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
- 4 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Initializes the SDK. For a complete configuration of the Flutter Intelligence SDK please check Configuration.
initialize(List<int> trackIds, String trackDomain) → Future<String?>
Optional setup functions
* We should use this function to enable batch support
* @size is one batch size (The recommended value is between 500 and 5000)
setBatchSupportEnabledWithSize(bool isEnabled, int size) → Future<String?>
* log level
setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel) → Future<String?>
* Request Interval: define how often the library sends a request to the server. The minimum is 15 minutes, which is the default
setRequestInterval(int intervalSize) → Future<String?>
* Only iOS function: The number of requests in the queue before write the database
setRequestPerQueue(int requestNumber) → Future<String?>
Builds the SDK. For a complete configuration of the Flutter Intelligence SDK please check Configuration. For Android, please refer to the section Initializing the SDK for Android.
build() → Future<void>
Sends data to the Mapp tracking server. To see the complete data configuration of the Mapp Intelligence Java library, please check Data. It's possible to send actionEvents and pageViewEvents.
The following data can only be sent via pageViewEvents:
The following data can be sent only via actionEvents:
The following information can be sent via both pageViewEvents and actionEvents:
The following information can be sent in MediaEvents:
* @Action(Event) tracking function
* @return void
trackAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) → Future<void>
* @Media tracking function
* @return void
trackMedia(MediaEvent mediaEvent) → Future<void>
* @Page(Screen) trakcing function
* @return void
trackPage(String customName, [Map<String, String>? trackingParameters]) → Future<void>
* @ * @Page(Screen) trakcing function with custom data and PageViewEvent
* @return void
trackPageWithCustomData(PageViewEvent? pageViewEvent, [String? customName]) → Future<void>
Deep link
Deep Link tracking allows you to analyze campaigns that are deep linked to a screen of your mobile app.
* @param url specifies the URL to be tracked. Please note that you need to use the campaign format used by Mapp Intelligence.
* @return void
trackUrl(String urlString, String? mediaCode) → Future<void>
* Campaign that uses "wt_mc" as media code.
onPressed: () async {
var urlString =
PluginMappintelligence.trackUrl(urlString, null);
String className = this.runtimeType.toString();
PluginMappintelligence.trackPageWithCustomData(null, className);
child: Text('Test Link1'),
ElevatedButton.styleFrom(primary: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark),
* Campaign that uses a custom media code.
onPressed: () async {
var urlString =
PluginMappintelligence.trackUrl(urlString, "customMc");
String className = this.runtimeType.toString();
PluginMappintelligence.trackPageWithCustomData(null, className);
Anonymous Tracking
With anonymous tracking it is possible to track usage of the mobile application without a persistent tracking of a user across sessions. When anonymous tracking is enabled, the default user identifier is not set. It is possible to set a temporary session ID to provide a better data quality during session tracking. The temporary session ID identifies requests from the same session.
* Anonymous tracking can be called on initialization or during runtime.
// Enable anonymous tracking. If needed, include a String of additional parameters to be excluded from tracking if anonymous tracking is enabled.
setAnonymousTracking(bool enabled, List <String>) -> Future<void>
// Set a temporary session ID.
setTemporarySessionId(<String>) -> Future<String>
User Matching
User Matching allows you to use Intelligence analytics data to better target users via mobile push or in App messages in Engage.
* User matching only works if anonymous tracking is inactive. It is possible to set user matching on initialisation as well as on runtime.
setUserMatchingEnabled(bool enabled) → Future<void>
* set to true if you want to send the currently cached data before setting the opt-out. Default is false.
optOutAndSendCurrentData(bool value) → Future<void>
* @return void
optIn() → Future<void>
Get EverID
* @return everID
getEverID() → Future<String>
Change TrackID and Track Domain on Runtime
It is possible to change the track ID and track domain on runtime.
* @return everID
PluginMappintelligence.setIdsAndDomain([array String account ID], String track domain);
For a complete description of tracking WebView data please refer to Data > WebView.
* Setup function for webview
* only for iOS
trackWebview(double? x, double? y, double? width, double? height, String urlString) → Future<void>
* dispose function for webview
* only for iOS
disposeWebview() → Future<void>
* Import package and use like a standard flutter webview https://pub.dev/packages/webview_flutter/install
import 'package:plugin_mappintelligence/webview_flutter.dart';
import 'package:plugin_mappintelligence/plugin_mappintelligence.dart';
Scaffold.of(context).appBarMaxHeight ??
MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top + kToolbarHeight,
MediaQuery.of(context).size.height -
(Scaffold.of(context).appBarMaxHeight ??
MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top + kToolbarHeight),
import 'package:plugin_mappintelligence/webview_flutter.dart';
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('WebviewForAndroid'),
body: WebView(
initialUrl: 'http://demoshop.webtrekk.com/web2app/index.html',
javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
Send Request Immediately (Android only)
Due to the use of WorkManager, Android is limited in terms of the scheduled sending of requests. As long as the app is used in the foreground, it is possible to trigger the sending of requests on any event trigger.
Print Current Configuration
While testing and debugging the configuration, it can be helpful to print out the currently active global configuration to the console.
Reset Singleton
For testing purposes, it's helpful to be able to reset the Intelligence singleton. Resetting the singleton will reset the SDK configuration to its default values.