General Settings (tab)
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    General Settings (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Audience > Group Management > Groups.
      ⇒ The ​Groups​ window opens to the ​Groups​ tab.

    2. In the ​Actions​ column, click Change Settings​.
      ⇒ The ​General Settings​ window opens.


    This window creates basic settings for your Mapp Engage group.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Change the name and description of the group.

    • Change the group category.

    • Change the language or country of the group.

    • View general information about the group.


    General Settings



    Shows the email address of the group.

    Every Mapp Engage group has an associated email address. You define the email address when you create the group. The email address of the group serves to identify the group in Mapp Engage.

    You cannot change the email address of an existing group.

    By default, the group email address is a part of the ​From Address​ that contacts see in their email inbox. You can edit the ​From Address​ on the ​Reply Handling​ window.


    Shows the name of the group. You define the name when you create the group. The name of the group serves to identify the group in Mapp Engage.

    You can change the name of the group in this window. The group name does not have to be unique.

    By default, the name is a part of the ​From Address​ that contacts see in their email inbox. You can edit the ​From Address​ on the ​Reply Handling​ window.


    Defines a description of the group.

    Use this field to store additional information or identifying characteristics of a group. For example, "Subscribers in Canada". If there are many groups in a system, it is helpful to enter a description of each one.

    ​Group ID​

    Shows the unique identification number that Mapp Engage assigns to the group when the group is created. This group ID cannot be edited. Use this ID to identify the group or to search for the group in Mapp Engage.

    ​Group Category​

    Assigns a group category to the group. A group category is a keyword that is assigned to a group to organise, filter, or search for different types of groups.


    Defines a country for the group. The country settings determine the language of the system messages that are sent in the group. This setting is relevant if you have different versions of system messages for a language for multiple countries (for example, British and American English).


    Defines a language for the group. The language settings determine the language of the system messages that are sent in the group.

    ​Creation Date​

    Shows the date on which the group was created.

    ​Group Owner​

    Displays the name and email address of the group owner. The group owner has the most permissions in the group. For example, the group owner can send and moderate messages and change the group settings.

    You can change the owner of the group in the ​Group Overview​ window. To change the owner of the group, you need global permission 107:​ Group Administration: Change Group Owner​.

    ​Users with special group roles​

    Shows the name and email address of the group manager or managers. A group can have multiple managers, but only one owner.

    ​Sendouts to Date​

    Shows the total number of messages that have been sent to this group since the creation date of the group.

    ​Deactivated Members​

    Shows the total number of deactivated group members at the time when the data were last calculated.

    A deactivated contact is a contact to whom you no longer send messages. Deactivation is due non-delivery notifications that Mapp Engage receives from the MTA of the recipient after a sendout.

    You can override the system-wide deactivation status of a contact and allow the contact to receive messages in a specific group.

    ​Messages Awaiting Approval​

    Shows the number of messages in the group that the group moderator needs to approve or reject.

    ​Members Awaiting Approval​

    Shows the number of members in the group that the group moderator needs to approve or reject. For more information, see Moderated Group Memberships​.

    MPS Parameters​

    This section of the tab generates a hash value to define required fields on form pages for Mapp Engage.

    Form pages are landing pages that Mapp Engage hosts. Contacts use form pages to carry out actions such as subscription to a newsletter or a profile data change.

    Mapp Engage embeds the Mandatory Parameter Settings parameter (MPS) on the landing page to regulate required input fields. For more information, see Landing Pages​.

    These required fields are not required fields for the Mapp Engage group, the information is stored only in the hash value. MPS parameters can be generated and embedded into landing pages at any time.

    Encoded Parameter:​ After an MPS parameter is created, the hash value with the attribute value that is passed to Mapp Engage displays in this area.

    When this area is closed, the hash value is no longer displayed. To record the exact use of the parameter later, save the parameter and the fields that are associated with it in another location. For example, in the group description.

    To transfer the attribute with the MPS parameter in Mapp Engage, you must use the name that is listed in the   ​Attribute Reference​ . For more information, see Attribute References​.

    Generate MPS: This button creates an MPS parameter that is displayed in the ​Encoded Parameter​ area. The parameter must be inserted into the form of the landing page.

    HTTPS Request​

    If the MPS parameter is passed to Mapp Engage by HTTPS request, the call is constructed as follows:





    The email address of the subscriber.


    The identification number of the group within the Mapp Engage system.


    The process that is carried out with the HTTPS request. For example, a subscription request.


    The type of subscription. If true, an invitation is sent to the new member. The new member must acMapp Engaget the invitation to complete the subscription process. This type of subscription is called a double opt-in.


    The value that is stored in the first name attribute of the contact.


    The value that is stored in the last name attribute of the contact.


    The MPS parameter.

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