Generate Coupon Report
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    Generate Coupon Report

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    Article summary

    This job was previously called: Generate Coupon Report (S)

    This job generates a coupon report. The report is exported to a server. The reports provides you with an overview of the coupons available in the system.

    • The coupon report contains the following information:

      • Name of the coupon list.

      • Number of coupons in the coupon list at the time of export.

      • Date, time and time zone of the export.

    Basic Settings​


    This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window (see Time-Based Automations Overview (window)). The maximum length is 100 characters.


    This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system. This is helpful if many automations of the same type are created.


    This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    Define Job​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the job.

    • Coupon List: This field defines which coupon list is exported. This field displays the name of the 100 most recent coupon lists.

      • Export all lists: This checkbox selects all coupon lists available in the system for export.

    • Server: This input field defines the server where the export file is saved. A connection can be established to a server address over FTP (FTP, PFTP (passive FTP), AFTP (active FTP), SFTP, FTPS.
      This address has the following format: protocol://user:password@host.port/url-path.
      The server access data can be encrypted with Transfer Security. The user name, password or complete user account are specified with placeholders for Transfer Security records.

    • Encoding: This drop-down list defines the character encoding of the exported file.
      UTF-8 is the most common character set for unicode characters (for more information see This character set supports all characters, including those used in Middle Eastern and Asian languages. ISO 8859-15 sufficient for imports in Western European languages. For more information, see

    • File name: This input field defines the name of the export file.
      Individual file names facilitate data management. For example, in addition to predefined names, (e.g. Clicks April to May), it is also possible to create dynamic name parts using placeholders.
      <> creates a file with the group name.
      <%message.Name > creates a file with the message name.
      Example: Clicker_<> creates an export file with the group name as part of the file name. For an export file in the group ​Sport​, the file name is Clicker_Sport.



    This button saves changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here the date and time of execution are defined (see Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​).

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