Generate XML Message Report
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    Generate XML Message Report

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    Article summary

    This job was previously called: ​Send Message Status XML Report​.

    As of October 2015, this option is no longer available for new customers. New and existing customers can export this information from other areas in Engage.

    This automation exports different types of data. The alternatives for exporting each type of data are as follows:

    • Message-related KPIs

      • You can automatically generate XML notifications that include message-related KPIs and data in the settings of each group you use for sendout. For more information, see ​Notifications (tab)​.

      • You can automatically export statistics for a group message with an automation. This export includes message information, delivery performance, contact activity information, and conversions. The statistics are exported to an email address or a server. The export is in Excel or CSV format. For more information, see Export Message Statistics (S)​.

      • You can manually export message-related KPIs and data in the ​Statistics​ area. For more information, see ​Export Message Statistics as a Report​.

    • Tracking Event Details

    If you have an existing automation that is based on this data, the automation continues as scheduled.

    This job generates a message report as an XML file. The report can be sent to an email account or exported to a server. The job settings determine the amount of detail included in the report.

    The status report generated by this job is commonly used to upload and analyze message statistics in an external application.

    Basic Settings​


    This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    Define Job​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the job.

    • Group Name: This field defines a group. Use the  symbol to search for a specific group.

    • Address: This input field defines the address to which the exported XML message report is either saved or sent. A connection can be established to a server address over FTP (FTP, PFTP (passive FTP), AFTP (active FTP), SFTP, FTPS), SCP, HTTP (HTTP, HTTPS) and SOAP. This address has the following format: ​protocol://user:password@host.port/url-path​.
      Example: ​​
      The server account credentials can be encrypted with ​Transfer Security​ records. The user name, password or complete user account are specified with placeholders for Transfer Security records. For more information, see ​Credentials Options​.
      The report can be delivered directly to an email address by using the ​mailto​ prefix. This address has the following format: ​mailto:emailaddress​.
      Example: ​​

    • Message: This drop-down list defines the message for which the report is generated. All messages that have been sent to the selected group are listed here.

    • Response Details: This drop-down list defines whether the response details are included in the XML report. The total number of responses for the message are provided by default. The response details include the email address, user ID, timestamp, category and reason for each message response.

    • User Tracking Details: This drop-down list defines whether the user tracking details are included in the XML report. The total number of confirmed openers, confirmed opens and confirmed open rate are provided by default. The user tracking details include the email address, user ID and timestamp for each message open event.

    • Link Tracking Details: This drop-down list defines whether the link tracking details are included in the XML report. A summary section provides the number of clickers, total clicks and click through rate (CTR). This information is also provided for each link contained in the message. The link tracking details include the email address, user ID, timestamp and URL for each recipient that clicked a link in the message.

    • Event Tracking Details: This drop-down list defines whether the event tracking details are included in the XML report. A summary of events or conversions is provided by default. The event tracking details include statistics for each conversion.

    • Unsubscription Details: This drop-down list defines whether the unsubscription details are included in the XML report. The number of recipients that unsubscribed from the message is provided by default. Unsubscription details include the email address, user ID and timestamp for each recipient who unsubscribed from the group.

    • Force Attachments: This drop-down list determines whether the detail sections of the report are sent as attachments. Detail sections that contain more than 10,000 entries or are larger than 1Mb are sent as attachments by default. Attachments are formatted in XML and delivered in gzip archive files.

    Attachments are not delivered with the report in the following situations:

    • There is no data for the detail section.

    • The settings to include details in the report are set to ​No​.

    • Since Date: This input field defines a date from which data is included in the report.



    This button saves your changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here you define the date and time of execution. For more information, see Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​.

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