Getting Started with Related Data in Mapp Engage
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    Getting Started with Related Data in Mapp Engage

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    Article summary

    Related data sets are tables, where multiple pieces of information related to a contact can be stored. Usually, they are connected to an email or UserID. It is extremely helpful for advanced customer communication. Data collection and use are simplified as compared to relying on Contact Profile attributes, which can store exactly one value per contact. So you would need a larger number of these attributes to store the same data as one data set.

    You can add any kind of data to a data set, making it more accessible for targeting contacts via the segmentation builder. You can also use this data in messages or for personalization in Mapp Engage. 

    For example, in an online shop, you are able to consider the order and product history of a contact for your campaign messaging by using Related Data sets. It allows you to make decisions like: not promoting products that the contact bought recently or re-promoting products that a contact bought a long time ago might need again (e.g. glasses).

    Other use cases include the upload and storage of large data sets, like Product catalogs. 

    How Does it Work?

    Looking at the example of a Product Catalog, with all of your product data stored neatly and connected to your product IDs, you can easily include the information in campaigns. With a data set like the one below, your product ID allows you to insert a product image and description into an email to the customer ( about a product that has been sitting in their wishlist for a while.  


    The Related Data function has been activated on your Mapp Engage System. Please reach out to your Customer Success or Account Manager if needed. 

    You also need to have permission to view and change your own related data set as well as view and change all related data sets.


    A) Creating Related Data sets

    1. Creation:

      Naturally, to start off you need to create your first data set before you can begin storing data. Please note that the number of data sets you can create is limited. Please speak to your Account or Customer Success Manager if you have any questions about your limit. 



      Introduction to Related Data sets

      This article describes the different kinds of related data sets that can be created such as linked vs unlinked.

      Create a Related Data set

      Here you'll see how to create a new related data set and the information that needs to be supplied, such as the linked attribute and table behavior.

      Create the Structure for a Related Data set

      This covers the setup of the data columns in the related data set.

      Create Data Views for Cross-Table Queries

      This shows you how to create data views that can be used for cross-table queries. E.G. Looking up additional details about a product purchased by a contact.

    2. Data addition:
      Once created, the data set needs to be populated. There are several ways of importing data into a related data set.



      Manual Import

      This describes how to use the Add New Data window to add data from a CSV or XML file. 

      Automated Import

      You can create an automation that will import related data at regular intervals. 

      Import via Whiteboard

      You can use the Data Import job with a whiteboard to import data into a related data set.

    B) Using Related Data

    1. In Segmentation Builder:
      Related data attributes can be used to create criteria in Segmentation Builder. For example, using purchase history you could target specifically those who had purchased a tent in the last 6 months.



      Segmentation Builder: Related Data

      Here you can learn how to create related data-based Segments. 

    2. In a Message:
      Related data can also be used to personalize a message. You can use Related Data to organize your product catalog. From this data set, you can insert product images and descriptions into the email to your contact. From the example above, you could send customers who had purchased a tent in the last 6 months an email about a sleeping bag they might like. 



      Inserting Related Data into a Message

      This describes how to add placeholders into a message for related data.

      Related Data in Personalization Rules

      You can also use related data in personalization rules.

    Interested in training?

    Check out Academy, Mapp's e-learning platform with courses covering the most important products and features of Mapp Cloud. You can use it at any time free of charge. Please also see Training for Mapp Engage.

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