Group Attributes
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    Group Attributes

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    Article summary

    A group attribute stores information that pertains to all recipients of a group. One single value stored in the attribute is valid for every recipient of that group.

    The information stored in a group attribute applies only to the particular group for which it was created. It is not possible to use the information stored in one group attribute in a message being sent to a different group.

    Group attributes are an ideal place to store data that changes frequently, and which is not recipient-specific.


    A travel agency stores the current prices for flights and holidays in group attributes. The prices can easily be imported in Mapp Engage and used in newsletters.

    Adding Group Attributes​

    Group attributes can be created manually, or can be uploaded as either a CSV or XML file.

    ​Create Group Attributes​
    ​CSV Format for Group Attribute Imports​
    ​XML Format for Group Attribute Imports​

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