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How do I check if the tracking is working correctly?
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Trust is good, control is better - and that is also true for tracking. This article shows, how tracking on the page can be verified. The Google Chrome browser is used in the examples. Other browsers have similar functions, that can be used for the same purpose.
Is the Tag Integration script loaded?
The first step in the tracking verification should be to check, whether the Tag Integration script is being loaded correctly. An incorrect path specification, for example, could rob tracking of its technical basis.
This is easy to check in the "Network" are of the Chrome developer tools: When the page is loaded, all files, that make up the page, are displayed - including tiLoader.min.js (provided it has not been renamed).
If the file is loaded with the status code 200 (or 304 - the file was previously loaded, not modified and therefore not called again by the server), this point can be checked off as successful.
Is the container loaded by the Mapp Intelligence server?
All settings configured in Tag Integration end up in a central JavaScript file, that is called by the Mapp Intelligence server, when the page is loaded. The browser executes the code it contains, including tracking and additional tags as well as plugins if applicable.
This process can be traced in the Chrome developer tools as well. Look for a request to the server responder.wt-safetag.com. If the request appears and is acknowledged with a corresponding status code ("200" if script is not in cache, otherwise "304"), this point can be checked off as successful as well.
Hint: For even more in-depth troubleshooting, the reloaded JavaScript file can also be downloaded. Code generated by Tag Integration can, therefore, be reviewed and possible errors can be identified.
Is the tracking data sent?
The final step to verify tracking is to check the tracking request as such. It contains data collected on the page and transmitted to the Mapp Intelligence server.
You can find the request in the Chrome developer tools by looking for your track domain. If you do not know what it is, you can search for the string 2wt?p=" (without quotation marks) contained in every tracking request (except for a heatmap request, where you search for "hm?p=").
The tracking request always has to be confirmed with a status code 200, otherwise, there is a problem. Using an incorrect track domain is a common error.