How does the URL Campaign Mapper Plugin work?
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    How does the URL Campaign Mapper Plugin work?

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    Article summary

    If the plugin is active on a website, several predefined parameters - if available - are read from the URL and combined to a Mapp Intelligence parameter. This parameter is transmitted to Mapp as a campaign name. In the plugin source code, you can define which parameters are to be merged and in which order. Any value can also be stored for the Mapp Intelligence media code.

    If you use different URL parameters on different pages of your offer, multiple definitions can be stored.


    The following URL contains three parameters that describe the campaign.

    • Original URL parameters

    • Pixel parameter generated by the plugin
      According to the plugin configuration, a pixel parameter is generated, for example:

      wt.campaignId = "wt_cc=my_partner.my_channel.my_ad";

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