HTTP Response Received
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    HTTP Response Received

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    Article summary

    Engage registers the HTTP Responses defined as HTTP Request jobs in Whiteboard.




    HTTP Response Status

    Select a response category.

    • Any Status

    • Specific Status

    • Status Range

    • Request failed

    ​HTTP Response Parameter​

    Select the parameter.

    • Any Parameter

    • Specific Parameter

    If you select Specific Parameter, you will be able to set up logical combinations of parameters using operators.

    Add Criteria

    A criterion is a parameter with the accompanying operator and value. In this section, you can configure the criteria of your choice. You can add as many criteria as you like.

    Available Operators:

    • Does Not Equal

    • Equals

    • Is Empty

    • Is Greater Than

    • Is Greater Than or Equals

    • Is Less Than

    • Is Less Than or Equals

    • Is Not Empty

    Related Topics

    Using the HTTP Request Job in the Whiteboard
    Send HTTP Request

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