Identify Contacts Who Abandoned Their Carts
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    Identify Contacts Who Abandoned Their Carts

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    Article summary


    Target contacts who have abandoned a cart within the last 3 days. Remind them of their cart and offer free shipping as an incentive to complete their purchase.


    This example shows two options for how this objective can be achieved:

    • The first option uses two Mapp Acquire events:

      • one to identify contacts who added a product to their cart, and

      • one to identify which of those contacts have not gone to checkout.

    • The second option uses:

      • a predefined Abandoned Cart condition that is based on related data, to identify contacts who added a product to their cart, and

      • a Mapp Acquire event to identify which of those contacts have not gone to checkout.


    • A tracking pixel created in Mapp Acquire and enabled on your website.

    Segment option 1

    Show detailed configuration

    • Condition 1
      Use Web Activity > Acquire Custom Event to select contacts who triggered the Add to Cart event in Mapp Acquire within the last 3 days.

    • Condition 2
      Use Web Activity > Acquire Custom Event to select contacts who didn't trigger the Goes to Checkout event in Mapp Acquire within the last 3 days.

    Segment option 2

    Show detailed configuration

    • Condition 1
      Use Related Data > Abandoned Cart condition to select conatcts who triggered the Abandon Cart event in Mapp Acquire.

    • Condition 2
      Use Web Activity > Acquire Custom Event to select contacts who didn't trigger the Goes to Checkout event in Mapp Acquire within the last 3 days.

    Follow-up Action

    Use the segment in the sendout of the message with the incentive to complete the purchase.

    Related Topics

    Tracking Pixels in Mapp Acquire
    Create a Pixel

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