Implementing the Marketing Automation Plugin
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    Implementing the Marketing Automation Plugin

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    Article summary

    In this section, we describe the steps to integrate the Marketing Automation plugin based on the used pixel integration.

    Implementation Methods

    Mapp's Marketing Automation creates effective personal recommendations using a plethora of data. You can use it to interact with your visitors by creating recommendations on your website or through e-mails and other external advertising.

    This is an optional feature. Please speak with your Customer Success or Account Manager for more information.


    There are two types of functions that you can use to get your visitor's attention and 

    • On-site recommendations are great for updates or special offers based on user behavior.

    • Exit-intent technology should be used to display a layer with discounts, shipping offers, or reminders when a user intends to exit a purchase process or page.

    You can find more information on Marketing Automation in our  training chapter.

    Methods and properties


    Get the name of the extension.

     * @type {string}


    Get the version of the extension.

     * @type {string}


    Set and get the current configuration of the extension.

    • trackId: Mapp Intelligence uses the tracking ID to assign the server requests to an account. The tracking ID is also found in the system configuration of the Mapp Q3 tool under Configuration > System Configuration > Account. Please use the same tracking ID you stored in the Mapp Intelligence tracking code, regardless of the ID you used to configure Marketing Automation.

    • mediacode: This is where you enter all of the campaign tracking media code parameters that you use.

    • keyword: This is where you enter all of the campaign tracking keyword parameters that you use.

    • baseUrl: Defined the location to the Mapp Marketing Automation functionality JavaScript file. Default value is "//".
      Please contact our Support or your responsible Customer Success Manager for activation if you prefer to fetch this library using your first-party Custom Track Domain (C-Name) for better data quality and quantity and to avoid Content Security Policy issues.

    • widgetServiceUrl: Defined the location to the Mapp Marketing Automation server configuration. Default value is "//[Trackdomain]/[TrackId]/rdfs".
      Please contact our Support or your responsible Customer Success Manager for activation if you prefer to fetch this library using your first-party Custom Track Domain (C-Name) for better data quality and quantity and to avoid Content Security Policy issues.

     * @param {{
     *      [trackId=current trackId]: string,
     *      [mediacode=[wt_mc,wtmc,mc]]: string[],
     *      [keyword=[wt_kw,wtkw,kw]]: string[],
     *      [baseUrl="//"]: string,
     *      [widgetServiceUrl=""]: string
     * }} [config]
     * @returns {object}


    Get the status if the extension is enabled.

     * @returns {boolean}


    Activate the extension.

     * @returns {boolean}


    Deactivate the extension.

     * @returns {boolean}


    // is marketing automation activated
    var isActivated = wtSmart.extension.marketing_automation.isActivated();
    // set marketing automation config
        trackId: '111111111111111',
        mediacode: ['wt_mc', 'wtmc', 'mc'],
        keyword: ['wt_kw', 'wtkw', 'kw'],
        baseUrl: '//',
        widgetServiceUrl: '//'
    // activate marketing automation
    // deactivate marketing automation


    Getting Started: Marketing Automation Overview

    User Interface of Marketing Automation

    1. Open the container to which you want to add the Marketing Automation plugin.

    2. Click [Add plugin]. You will be forwarded to the overview of all available plugins.

    3. Select the "Marketing Automation" plugin by clicking on the corresponding button. The plugin configuration dialog opens.

    4. Make the following settings:



      Mapp Intelligence track ID

      Mapp Intelligence uses the track ID to assign the server requests to an account.

      How to get the TrackID

      1. Log in Q3.

      2. Go to Configuration > System Configuration > Data Collection.

      3. Here, you will find "Your Track ID."

      Please use the same tracking IDs that you have stored in the tracking code, regardless of which ID you have used to configure Marketing Automation.

      Load JavaScript file asynchronously

      Activate the checkbox to load the Marketing Automation JavaScript file asynchronously.

      Media Code parameter

      Optional. Enter all media code parameters you use for your campaign tracking here. You can also define multiple media codes, separated by semicolons.

      Keyword parameter

      Optional. Enter any keyword parameters you use for your campaign tracking here. You can also define multiple keywords separated by semicolons.

    5. Click [Next] to add rules.

    6. Finally, click [Save configuration]. The plugin is added to the container.

    7. In the last step, click [Publish].

    1. First, download the JavaScript file "pixel-marketingautomation.min.js".

    2. Integrate the downloaded script directly into the <head> of your webpage. This is necessary to load all campaigns as early as possible.
      Example page-specific integration

           <!-- ...... -->
           <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file/webtrekk_mcp.min.js"></script>
           <!-- ...... -->
    3. The configuration object "wt_marketingAutomationConfig" is located inside the plugin. Here, you can set the following parameters:


      (function(window, document) {
      	var wt_marketingAutomationConfig = window.wt_marketingAutomationConfig || {
      		trackId: "111111111111111",
      		async: true,
      		mediacode: "wt_mc;wtmc;mc",
      		keyword: "wt_kw;wtkw;kw",
      		mcpBaseURL: "",
      		widgetServiceUrl: ""
      	// ......
      })(window, document);




      Mapp Intelligence uses the track ID to assign the server requests to an account.

      How to get the TrackID

      1. Log in Q3.

      2. Go to Configuration > System Configuration > Data Collection.

      3. Here, you will find "Your Track ID."

      Please use the same tracking IDs that you have stored in the Mapp Intelligence tracking code, regardless of which ID you have used to configure Marketing Automation.


      true = The Marketing Automation JavaScript file will be loaded asynchronously.


      Optional. Enter all media code parameters you use for your campaign tracking here. You can also define multiple media codes separated by semicolons.


      Optional. Enter any keyword parameters you use for your campaign tracking here. You can also define multiple keywords separated by semicolons.


      Defined the location of the Mapp Marketing Automation functionality JavaScript file. Default value is "//".

      Please contact our Support or your responsible Customer Success Manager for activation if you prefer to fetch this library using your first-party Custom Track Domain (C-Name) for better data quality and quantity and to avoid Content Security Policy issues.


      Defined the location of the Mapp Marketing Automation server configuration. Default value is "//[Trackdomain]/[TrackId]/rdfs".

      Please contact our Support or your responsible Customer Success Manager for activation if you prefer to fetch this library using your first-party Custom Track Domain (C-Name) for better data quality and quantity and to avoid Content Security Policy issues.

    4. To activate the plugin functionality, the parameter "executePluginFunction" is used in the tracking pixel. This can be set either in the configuration variable (webtrekkConfig) or as a parameter of the pixel object.

      Example global configuration

      var webtrekkConfig = {
      	trackId: "111111111111111",
      	trackDomain: "",
      	domain: "",
      	executePluginFunction: "wt_teaserTracking;wt_marketingAutomation"

      Example page-specific configuration

      var wt = new webtrekkV3();
      wt.contentId = "de.startseite";
      wt.executePluginFunction = "wt_teaserTracking;wt_marketingAutomation";




      Enter the Marketing Automation plugin. A semicolon separates multiple plugins.

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