Import and Process mbox File
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    Import and Process mbox File

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    Article summary

    This job was previously called: Import and Process mbox File.

    This job imports and processes an mbox file. An mbox file contains many individual, highly personalized emails that have been generated by an external application. When Engage imports and processes the mbox file, it sends the emails. Import and processing take place simultaneously. For more information see mbox Processing with CEP.

    Basic Settings​


    This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see ​All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    Define Job​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the job.

    • Group Name: This field defines the group in which the mbox is sent. Use the  symbol to search for a specific group.

    • System Name: This drop-down list defines your Engage system. If you have more than one domain, multiple domains appear in the drop-down list. Any of the domains can be selected. There is no effect on the processing.

    • Encoding: This drop-down list defines the character encoding of the file. Use the  symbol to search for a specific type of encoding.

    • Source File: This input field defines the name of the file to be imported. It is possible to enter a regular expression (RegEx) to select multiple files on the server.

    • File Location: This input field defines the server address where the mbox file is stored.

    • Message: This drop-down list defines a prepared message to be used for the mbox processing. The prepared message acts as a container for all emails in the file.

    Permission 242 can be used to control how the system handles addresses present in the mbox file that do not already exist in the system. If the user uploading the file does not hold permission 242, emails are sent only to those addresses already existing in the system. If the user uploading the file does hold permission 242, emails are sent to all addresses in the file.

    • If a prepared message is selected, the emails in the file are sent as a group message. This means that the system uses the same message ID for all emails in the mbox file.

    • All emails in the mbox file are evaluated together in the statistics. If no prepared message is selected, the emails in the file are sent as many single messages. This means that each email in the file receives its own message ID.

    • The emails in the mbox file are evaluated as single messages in the statistics. Engage automatically generates a message name for each email with the following format: mboxPlaceholder--messageID (for example, mboxPlaceholder-1343052167341).



    This button saves your changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here you define the date and time of execution. For more information, see ​Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​.

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