Import Data: Create Columns of Related Data Sets During Import
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    Import Data: Create Columns of Related Data Sets During Import

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    Article summary


    To create the structure for a related data set into which data is imported.

    The structure corresponds to the specifications of the CSV file or XML file (see Structure of XML and CSV Files (Related Data)​).

    • In a CSV file, the data columns correspond to the entries in the first line of the CSV data.

    • In an XML file, the data columns correspond to the names of the individual tags in a data set.

    The column with the key is not created in the structure. In a CSV file, this column is always the first column. In an XML file, the tag is always identified with row-key.

    It is also possible to create the columns during data import, but only if the data exists as an XML file (see Structure of XML and CSV Files (Related Data)​).


    The related data set has already been created (see Create Related Data Set​).

    You have already defined the data that are saved in the related data pool, and the name of the data in the import data.

    You have permission to create related data sets:

    • You have permission to view and change your own related data sets: Permission 150 system_view_edit_own_related_data.

    • You have permission to view and change all related data sets: Permission 153 system_edit_all_related_data.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Administration​  > ​Attributes​.

    2. Click the ​Related Data​ tab.
      ⇒ The ​Related Data Overview​ window opens.

    3. Click   next to the related data set for which you want to create a structure.
      ⇒ The ​Related Data structure for dataset: <Name>​ window opens.

    4. Click ​Add New Column​.

    5. In the ​Name​ input field, enter the name of the column.

      This name must correspond to the name in the data set to be imported. The name can only consist of letters, numbers, and dashes. Spaces or special characters create an error because the name is used for identification in several system processes.

    6. In the ​Data Type​ list, select the type of value to be imported.
      ⇒ The window adapts to the selected data type to allow further specification.

    7. In the​ Default Value​ input field, enter a value to be inserted in the data column whenever the import file does not indicate a value.

    8. If you would like to define an enumeration, check the ​Create Enums​ box. An enumeration is used to define all possible values which can be entered into the data column. If a given value does not correspond to the enumeration, an error is generated and the value is not imported.
      To define an enumeration, enter a value into the input ​Add New Value​ field and click  . The value is entered. You cannot specify an enumeration for the Date data type.
      You can enter as many values for the enumeration as you like.

    9. Click ​Save​ .
      ⇒ The column is created.

    10. Repeat steps 2 - 9 until all column names or tag names in the CSV or XML files have been created in the related data set.
      ⇒ Once all columns have been created, you can import data into the columns. For more information, see Related Data: Import Data​.

    Related data set names and related data column names are case insensitive.

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