Inbox Services: Usage Report
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    Inbox Services: Usage Report

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    Article summary

    Navigation path

    Administration > Inbox Services > Usage Report

    General Information

    View the use statistics for the number of ​Inbox Rendering​ and ​Inbox Monitoring​ tests you run.



    ​Inbox Rendering​

    • Expiration Date:​ shows the date when the activation of the inbox rendering expires.

    • ​Annual Volume:​ shows the volume of rendering tests that are included in the year.

    • Usage: shows the number of tests that are used so far.

    ​Inbox Monitoring​

    • ​Expiration Date:​ shows the date when the activation of the inbox monitoring expires.

    • ​Annual Volume:​ shows the volume of rendering tests that are included in the year.

    • Usage:​ shows the number of tests that are used so far.

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