Insert a Link to Forward an Email Message
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    Insert a Link to Forward an Email Message

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    Article summary


    To add a link to an email message that allows your contacts to forward the message.

    The link enables Mapp Engage to track the number of contacts who forward the message to other addresses. This information is available in the message statistics.

    Background Information​

    When contacts forward an email with the forward button in an email client (such as Gmail or Yahoo), Mapp Engage cannot track these forwarded messages.

    To allow Mapp Engage to track forwarded messages, you must add a special link to the email. When contacts click this link, they can enter email addresses on a landing page. Mapp Engage forwards the message to these addresses.

    The link enables Mapp Engage to track the number of contacts who forward the message to other addresses. This information is available in the message statistics.


    1. Create an email message.

    2. Click ​Mapp Engage Variables​.

    3. From the ​Category​ drop-down list, select ​System Links​.

    4. Select the variable that corresponds to your email format (text or HTML):

      • ​Forward Message (Text)​

      • ​Forward Message (HTML)​

    5. Drag and drop the variable into the message. You do not need to adapt the placeholder before sendout.

    6. During sendout, the placeholder is replaced with the link to forward the message.

    To customize the landing page, contact your customer representative.

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