Integrate AT Internet (Level 1, external web analytics tool)
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    Integrate AT Internet (Level 1, external web analytics tool)

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    Article summary


    Attach a special parameter to all links of a message to enable AT Internet to identify and evaluate each number of clicks on an email campaign.

    In order to track opens as well as clicks, a tracking pixel must also be added to the footer email (see Store AT Internet tracking pixel in the Closing Content area​).


    When creating a new campaign in ATI, you choose from among 3 campaign types. ATI then automatically generates a campaign ID.

    You, therefore, need the following information from ATI before following the set-up steps below:

    • Campaign ID

    • Campaign Type (EREC, ES, or EPR).

    Background Information​

    • The steps below are specific to AT Internet (ATI). To integrate any other web analytics tool, please see the general instructions under Integrate an External Web Analytics Tool (Level 1).

    • This is a basic ("level 1") integration. For an overview of the various levels of integration, see Web Analytics Integrations.

    • Unlike other web analytics tools, ATI requires all links to have an exact parameter. This parameter is unique and is created by the ATI front-end or the ATI API. It is thus necessary to first obtain this information from the ATI system and then store it in the link parameters in the system.

    • The landing page of links must contain a code that tracks the visitors.

    • To track opens as well as clicks: If you have an AT Internet account of the type "Xiti Pro" you cannot track whether emails were opened, only whether they are clicked. To track both opens and clicks, an "Analyzer NX" account is required. To track opens, it is also necessary to add a tracking pixel to the Closing Content area in the group settings. (see Store AT Internet tracking pixel in the Closing Content area​).

    All links sent from the same group in the system and containing the same ATI parameters are interpreted as one campaign by ATI. To enable ATI to identify each sendout separately, it is necessary to create a new group in Engage for every tracked sendout.


    Store link parameter in Engage

    1. In the main navigation, click Audience > ​Groups.

    2. For the group whose messages should be evaluated with the web analytics tool, click  .

    3. Click the ​Tracking & Links tab.

    4. Expand the area ​Link Parameters.

    5. Click the   button​ Web Analytics.

    6. Click next to the AT Internet logo.
      ⇒ The window ​AT Internet Parameters opens.

    7. Under ​Campaign Type, use the radio buttons to select the campaign type generated by ATI.

    8. In the input field ​Campaign ID, enter the campaign ID generated by ATI.

    9. Click ​OK. The necessary parameter is generated automatically and appears in the input fields ​Link Parameter 1​. During the sendout of every message from this group, this parameter will be added to every link. It is not necessary to undertake any further action in this regard during message composition.

    10. Any links you would like to exclude from link tracking can be defined by expanding the additional area ​Exclude Links. Please see the instructions under Exclude Links From Link Parameters.

    11. Click ​Save to save the parameter settings.

    To complete the process above, the system automatically creates two new group attributes in which to store the type and ID. The attributes are displayed (like any other group attributes) in the Group Attributes window (see ​Group Attributes (window)​). These group attributes must remain stored in the group in order for the system to add the parameters to the message links, but can be deleted after the messages belonging to this campaign are sent.

    Store AT Internet tracking pixel in the Closing Content area

    1. In the ​main navigation​, click Audience > ​Groups​.

    2. For the group whose messages should be evaluated with the web analytics tool, click  .

    3. Click the ​Sendout Options​ tab.

    4. Expand the area ​Leading/Closing Content for Email​.

    5. In the input field ​Closing Content (HTML)​, enter a tracking pixel with the following format:
      <img width="1" height="1" alt="" src=" http://logi [xtsd] [xtsite] &xto=A-B-[C]-D-[]-F-G&type=email&" >

      The following variables are obligatory:

      • A (source): EREC, EPR, or ES prefix.

      • B: the value of the campaign identifier. <%group.CustomAttribute.XitiCampaignID%>

      • C: identifier (name) of the e-mailing in the format “[literal]”. <%message.Name%>]

      The following variables are optional:

      • D: E-mail date in a short format: YYYYMMDD

      • E: leave empty/unused (use brackets: [])

      • F: list of contacts with contact identifier according to id@list (for example 1435@1 for the contact 1435 of list 1).

      • G: Exact dispatch date and time (GMT) of the message. Format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (for example 20070304130405 for 13:04min05s on March 4, 2007)

    6. Click ​Save to save the Closing Content settings.

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