Form Tracking
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    Form Tracking

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    Article summary

    Form tracking can track all manner of form input. This page contains relevant information if you are using the HTML tag <form>.

    Data is available in Mapp Intelligence under Navigation > Forms.

    Use the code generator below to create individual code that you can then integrate directly into the website.

    Methods and properties


    Get the name of the extension.

     * @type {string}


    Get the version of the extension.

     * @type {string}


    Set and get the current configuration of the extension.

    • attribute: By default, your form's "data-name" attribute is used to generate its name. With the property "attribute" you can define another attribute (e.g. the "id" or "name" attribute) as the form identifier. The attribute is mandatory in every form request.

    • shadowRoot: If you use web components (shadow DOM elements) on your website where you want to enable action tracking, you can do this via the 'shadowRoot' property. For this you can specify all CSS selectors of your shadow DOM elements to be tracked.

    • automatic: By default, automatic form tracking is deactivated. There are two ways to enable automatic form tracking:

      1. automatic = true. You can set  [automatic] to "true". In that case, the pixel checks the HTML <form> tag and the specified attribute ( form[${config['attribute']}]) to detect and track forms.

      2. automatic = "CSS Selector". You can specify a respective CSS selector to specify which forms to track (e.g. "form[name]" for all form elements with the "name" attribute).

    • fullContent: All form fields are measured, with the exception of the "hidden", "button", "image", "reset" and "submit" field types. With the form field types "select-multiple", "select-one", "checkbox" and "radio", the precise values can be transmitted. With all other form field types, only the field status is sent to Mapp Intelligence, i.e. only "filled_out" is sent for a completed form field and not the content. If, however, you would like to evaluate the form field content as clear text, add the corresponding form fields to the configuration property "fullContent".

    • anonymous: If required, you can anonymise all form data – for data protection reasons, for example – before sending it to Mapp Intelligence. This means content from the form fields will not be transmitted. The Mapp Intelligence screen will therefore only show which form fields were completed and which were not.

    • pathAnalysis: Using the path-view you can display the timely order of objects, in this case form-field objects. This enables you to analyze the order in which form-fields were selected. form-fields will be tracked more than once if they were selected multiple times. If you want to enable this feature, please set the according property "pathAnalysis".

    • field: Contains the configuration for form fields.

      • attribute: By default, your form fields "data-name" attribute is used to generate its name. With the property "attribute" you can define another attribute (e.g. the "id" or "name" attribute) as the form field identifier.

      • value: For form fields of the type "radio," "select-one," "select-multiple" and "checkbox", the value of the "value" attribute will be sent to Mapp Intelligence by default. Optionally, an alternative value attribute could be used. If the alternative attribute is set, the value of all of the above-mentioned field types in the alternative attribute will be sent. This is helpful if you are only sending an ID as the standard value, and this would not be understandable for your web analysts when using the Mapp Intelligence tool.

      • defaults: If you would like to track forms that have been pre-filled with a default value, you must inform the Smart Pixel of which form fields are concerned. This is done with the property "defaults". This includes an object with a mapping between form field names and form field default values.

     * @typedef {
     *      selector: string,
     *      [attribute="data-name"]: string,
     *      [automatic=false]: boolean|string,
     *      [fullContent=[]]: string[],
     *      [anonymous=false]: boolean,
     *      [pathAnalysis=false]: boolean,
     *      [field]: {
     *          [attribute="data-name"]: string,
     *          [value="value"]: string,
     *          [defaults={}]: {[string]: string}
     *      }
     * } SmartPixelExtensionFormShadowRoot
     * @param {{
     *      [attribute="data-name"]: string,
     *      [shadowRoot]: string[]|SmartPixelExtensionFormShadowRoot[],
     *      [automatic=false]: boolean|string,
     *      [fullContent=[]]: string[],
     *      [anonymous=false]: boolean,
     *      [pathAnalysis=false]: boolean,
     *      [field]: {
     *          [attribute="data-name"]: string,
     *          [value="value"]: string,
     *          [defaults={}]: {[string]: string}
     *      }
     * }} [config]
     * @returns {object}


    Activate form tracking for this form.

     * @param {HTMLFormElement|CustomForm} form


    The forms contained in page content reloaded by Ajax (e.g. when showing layers) can also be marked for automatic form tracking. To do this, call the "update" method as soon as new content is reloaded.



    Get the status, if the form tracking is enabled.

     * @param {HTMLFormElement|CustomForm} form
     * @returns {HTMLFormElement|CustomForm|boolean}


    Remove form tracking for this form.

     * @param {HTMLFormElement|CustomForm} form


    Send form tracking request manually for this form.

     * @param {HTMLFormElement|CustomForm} form


    Change the internal form status to "submitted".

     * @param {HTMLFormElement|CustomForm} form


    Get all initialized forms.

     * @returns {HTMLFormElement[]|CustomForm[]}


    Remove all initialized forms.



    Send all initialized forms manually.



    // set form tracking config
        attribute: 'data-wt-name',
    	automatic: true,
        fullContent: ['plz', 'firstname', 'lastname'],
        anonymous: true,
        pathAnalysis: true,
        field: {
            attribute: 'data-wt-name',
            value: 'data-wt-value',
            defaults: {
                firstname: 'Firstname',
                lastname: 'Lastname'
    // activate automatic form tracking - boolean
        automatic: true
    // activate automatic form tracking - selector
        automatic: 'div[data-my-custom-form]'
    // get form tracking config
    var formConfig = wtSmart.extension.form.config();
    // activate form tracking for the first form
    // is the first form initialized
    var isInitialized = wtSmart.extension.form.get(document.forms[0]);
    // change the internal form status to "submitted" for the first form
    // send form tracking request manually for the first form
    // remove form tracking for the first form
    /* *********************************************** */
    /* ************* multi form tracking ************* */
    /* *********************************************** */
    // activate form tracking for some forms
    // get all initialized forms
    var initializedForms = wtSmart.extension.form.getAll();
    // send all initialized forms
    // remove all initialized forms

    Code Generator

    Use the code generator to create individual code that you can then integrate directly into the website.

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