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    Article summary

    It is possible to track events with name and additional information in Mapp Intelligence.

    Parameter Constants

    The following parameters are mandatory and can be configured in the MIActionEvent() object:



    Where to configure (Mapp Q3 > Configuration > ...)

    Where to analyze


    The name of the event as it will be displayed in your analyses


    Navigation > Events

    The following parameters are optional and can be configured in the MIEventParameters() object:



    Where to configure (Mapp Q3 > Configuration > ...)

    Where to analyze


    Adds additional parameters to an event for further description.

    Categories > Custom Parameters > Event Parameter

    Datatype Text: Navigation > Event Parameter > [Name of parameter]

    Datatype Figure: metric

    Methods for Events




    Sends an action request (for example a click event) to Intelligence. It is mandatory to send an event name in the request. Optionally, you can add additional information such as event or session parameters or user categories.

    Example iOS

    Please note that custom parameters are optional in the request.

    1. Define all event information you want to track:

      let eventParameters = MIEventParameters(parameters:  [20:"ck20Param1"])
      let userCategories = MIUserCategories()
      userCategories.customCategories = [20:"userParam1"]
      userCategories.birthday = MIBirthday(day: 12, month: 1, year: 1993)
      let sessionParameters = MISessionParameters(parameters: [10: "sessionParam1"])
      let event = MIActionEvent(name: "TestAction")
      event.eventParameters = eventParameters
      event.userCategories = userCategories
      event.sessionParameters = sessionParameters
    2. Call the trackAction method


    Full Code Example:

    @IBAction func trackCustomAction(_ sender: Any) {
            let eventParameters = MIEventParameters(parameters:  [20:"eventParam20"])
            //user properties
            let userCategories = MIUserCategories()
            userCategories.customCategories = [20:"userParam20"]
            userCategories.birthday = MIBirthday(day: 12, month: 1, year: 1993)
   = "Paris"
   = "France"
            userCategories.customerId = "CustomerID"
            userCategories.gender = .female
            let sessionParameters = MISessionParameters(parameters: [10: "sessionParam1"])
            let event = MIActionEvent(name: "TestAction")
            event.eventParameters = eventParameters
            event.userCategories = userCategories
            event.sessionParameters = sessionParameters
    1. Define all event information you want to track:

      MIEventParameters* eventParameters = [[MIEventParameters alloc] initWithParameters:[@{@20: @[@"ck20Param1"]} copy]];
      MIUserCategories* userCategories = [[MIUserCategories alloc] init];
      [userCategories setCustomCategories: [@{@20: @"userParam1"} copy]];
      [userCategories setCity:@"Paris"];
      [userCategories setCountry:@"France"];
      [userCategories setCustomerId:@"CustomerID"];
      [userCategories setGender: female];
      MISessionParameters* sessionParameters = [[MISessionParameters alloc] initWithParameters:[@{@10: @"sessionParam1"} copy]];
      MIActionEvent* event = [[MIActionEvent alloc] initWithName:@"TestAction"];
      [event setEventParameters:eventParameters];
      [event setUserCategories:userCategories];
      [event setSessionParameters:sessionParameters];
    2. Call the trackAction method

      [[MappIntelligence shared] trackAction:event];

    Full Code Example:

    -(void) testAction {
        MIEventParameters* eventParameters = [[MIEventParameters alloc] initWithParameters:[@{@20: @[@"ck20Param1"]} copy]];
        MIUserCategories* userCategories = [[MIUserCategories alloc] init];
        [userCategories setCustomCategories: [@{@20: @"userParam1"} copy]];
        [userCategories setCity:@"Paris"];
        [userCategories setCountry:@"France"];
        [userCategories setCustomerId:@"CustomerID"];
        [userCategories setGender: female];
        MISessionParameters* sessionParameters = [[MISessionParameters alloc] initWithParameters:[@{@10: @"sessionParam1"} copy]];
        MIActionEvent* event = [[MIActionEvent alloc] initWithName:@"TestAction"];
        [event setEventParameters:eventParameters];
        [event setUserCategories:userCategories];
        [event setSessionParameters:sessionParameters];
        [[MappIntelligence shared] trackAction:event];

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    AI Assistant, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence