KPIs - Group Messages
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    KPIs - Group Messages

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    Article summary



    Accepted​ is the number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox as well as to spam and junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted = Messages Sent - Bounced​

    Accepted (Comparative Analysis)​

    Accepted​ is the average number of messages accepted by the email provider's Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).

    ​Average Accepted = Sum of Accepted messages for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    Accepted (Link Analysis)​

    Accepted​ is the number of messages containing this specific link that was accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted = Messages Sent with this link - Bounced messages with this link​

    Accepted (Link Category Analysis)​

    ​Accepted​ is the number of messages containing this specific link category that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    Accepted = Messages Sent with this link category - Bounced messages with this link category​

    Accepted (Target Group Analysis)​

    Accepted​ is the number of messages sent to members of this target group that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted = Messages Sent in the target group - Bounced messages in the target group​

    Accepted (Variation Analysis)​

    Accepted​ is the number of this specific variation that was accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    Accepted = Messages Sent for this variation - Bounced messages for this variation​

    Accepted Rate​

    ​Accepted Rate​ displays the percentage of the total sent messages that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted Rate = Accepted / Messages Sent​

    Accepted Rate (Comparative Analysis)​

    ​Accepted Rate​ displays the average acceptance rate for all selected messages.

    ​Average Accepted Rate = Sum of Accepted Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    Accepted Rate (Link Analysis)​

    ​Accepted Rate​ displays the percentage of messages containing this specific link that was accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted Rate = Accepted messages with this link / Messages Sent with this link

    Accepted Rate (Link Category Analysis)​

    Accepted Rate​ displays the percentage of messages containing this specific link category that was accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted Rate = Accepted messages with this link category / Messages Sent with this link category​

    Accepted Rate (Target Group Analysis)​

    Accepted Rate​ displays the percentage of messages sent to members of this target group that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted Rate = Accepted messages in the target group / Messages Sent in the target group​

    Accepted Rate (Variation Analysis)​

    ​Accepted Rate​ displays the percentage of message variations that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted Rate = Accepted messages for this variation / Messages Sent for this variation​

    Average Sales per Conversion (per Conversion per Message)​

    Average Sales per Conversion​ displays the average total sales based on recipient activities that resulted from Conversion Tracking included in the message.

    Average Sales per Conversion = Total Sales (per Conversion per Message) / Conversions (Total)​



    ​Bounced​ is the number of messages that were rejected by the receiving server. The system differentiates between hard and soft bounces. Bounces do not include messages that go into the spam folder or that are answered through automatic replies (e.g. out of office messages).

    However, it occasionally happens that a receiving MTA incorrectly sends a bounce message back to the sending server. If the bounce can be associated with any open or click activity, then the bounce message is conferred a fake. In that case, the address is no longer considered a bounce and does not contribute to the total number of bounces in the message statistics.

    Bounces are either hard bounces or soft bounces, according to the eec:

    Hard Bounces: delivery failures for permanent reasons (e.g. a misspelled email address).

    Soft Bounces: delivery failures due to a temporary condition (e.g. mailbox is currently full).

    Bounced Rate​

    ​Bounced Rate​ displays the number of messages that were rejected by the receiving MTA divided by the number of messages sent.

    Bounced Rate = Bounced / Total number of Messages Sent in the sendout​


    Campaign Share​

    ​Campaign Share​ displays the number of all conversions which can be attributed to the message divided by the system-wide conversions.

    ​Campaign Share = Conversions (Total) (per Message per Conversion) / Conversions system-wide​


    Clickers​ display the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time.

    Clickers (Comparative Analysis)​

    ​Clickers​ display the average number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the selected messages.

    Average Clickers = Sum of all Clickers for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    Clickers (Domains)​

    Clickers​ display the number of recipients at each domain who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time.

    Clickers (Link Category Analysis)​

    Clickers​ display the number of recipients who have clicked on links of this link category in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link of a certain link category in the message, this only counts one time.

    Clickers (Target Group Analysis)​

    ​Clickers​ display the number of recipients in this target group who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time.

    Clickers (Variation Analysis)​

    Clickers​ display the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message variation. Even if a recipient clicks on a link multiple times, it only counts once.

    Confirmed Open Rate​

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​ displays the number of unique confirmed openers divided by the total number of accepted messages. Confirmed openers include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. It is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted.

    ​Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers / Accepted messages​

    Confirmed Open Rate (Comparative Analysis)​

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​ displays the average opening rate for all selected messages.

    ​Average Confirmed Open Rate = Sum of all Confirmed Open Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    Confirmed Open Rate (Domain)​

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​ displays the number of confirmed openers at the domain divided by the total number of messages accepted at the domain. (Please note: Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. It is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted.)

    ​Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers at a domain / Accepted messages at a domain​

    Confirmed Open Rate (Target Group Analysis)​

    Confirmed Open Rate​ displays the number of unique confirmed openers in a target group divided by the total number of accepted messages in this target group.

    ​Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers in the target group / Accepted messages in the target group​

    Confirmed Open Rate (Variation Analysis)​

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​ displays the number of confirmed openers for this variation divided by the total number of accepted messages for this variation.

    ​Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers for this variation / Accepted messages for this variation​

    Confirmed Openers​

    ​Confirmed Openers​ displays the number of recipients who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed openers include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

    Confirmed Openers (Comparative Analysis)​

    ​Confirmed Openers​ displays the average number of recipients who opened any of the selected messages.

    ​Average Confirmed Openers = Sum of all Confirmed Openers for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    Confirmed Openers (Domain)​

    ​Confirmed Openers​ displays the number of recipients at this domain who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

    Confirmed Openers (Target Group Analysis)​

    ​Confirmed Openers​ displays the number of recipients in the target group who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

    Confirmed Openers (Variation Analysis)​

    ​Confirmed Openers​ displays the number of recipients who opened a message for this variation. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

    Confirmed Opens​

    ​Confirmed Opens​ displays the total number of times a message was opened.

    According to the eec, this represents the total number of times a message is displayed (whether fully opened or within the preview pane). Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. (It is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted.)

    Conversion Rate (per Message)​

    ​Conversion Rate​ displays the number of unique conversions divided by the number of accepted messages.

    ​Conversion Rate = Conversions (Unique) / Accepted messages​

    Conversion Rate (per Conversion per Message)​

    ​Conversion Rate​ displays the number of recipients that performed a conversion based on a specific Conversion Tracking contained in this message divided by the number of accepted messages.

    ​Conversion Rate = Conversions (Unique) (per Conversion per Message) / Accepted messages​

    Conversions (Total) (per Message)​

    ​Conversions (Total)​ displays the total number of conversions performed resulting from this message. This entry is comprehensive for all Conversion Tracking. That is, every recipient who completes a conversion (regardless of which specific conversion it is) is included here. Conversions (Total) is calculated on the basis of the last click activity in this message.

    Conversions (Total) (per Conversion per Message)​

    ​Conversions (Total)​ displays the total number of conversions related to a specific Conversion Tracking contained in the message.

    Conversions (Unique) (per Message)​

    ​Conversions (Unique)​ displays the number of recipients who performed a conversion. This entry is comprehensive for all Conversion Tracking. That is, every recipient who completes a conversion (regardless of which specific conversion it is) is included here. Conversions (Unique)is calculated on the basis of the last click activity in this message.

    Conversions (Unique) (per Conversion per Message)​

    ​Conversions (Unique)​ displays the number of recipients who performed a conversion based on a specific Conversion Tracking contained in the message.

    Conversions system-wide (per Conversion)​

    ​Conversions system-wide​ displays the number of times a specific conversion was performed by a recipient registered in theEngage system. This includes all conversions resulting from any message containing this particular conversion tracking.


    ​CTO​ displays the Click-To-Open rate. This rate is the number of clickers (recipients who click on any link in the message) divided by the number of confirmed openers for the message.

    ​Click-To-Open Rate = Clickers / Confirmed Openers​


    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the number of recipients who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages.

    ​CTR = Clickers / Accepted messages​

    CTR (Comparative Analysis)​

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the average number of recipients who clicked on a link in the selected messages divided by the number of messages selected.

    Average CTR = Sum of the Click Through Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    CTR (Domain)​

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the number of recipients at each domain who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages at that domain.

    ​CTR = Clickers per domain / Accepted messages per domain​

    CTR (Link Analysis)​

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the number of recipients who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages containing this link.

    ​CTR = Clickers per link / Accepted messages per link​

    CTR (Link Category Analysis)​

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the number of recipients who click on a link with this link category in a message divided by the number of accepted messages containing this link category.

    ​CTR = Clickers with this link category / Accepted messages with this link category​

    CTR (Target Group Analysis)​

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the number of recipients in the target group who click on any link in the message divided by the total number of recipients in that target group.

    ​CTR = Clickers in a target group / Accepted messages in a target group​

    CTR (Variation Analysis)​

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ displays the number of recipients who click on a link in a message variation divided by the number of accepted message variations.

    ​CTR = Clickers on any link for this message variation / Accepted messages for this variation​



    Forwarders​ display the number of recipients who forwarded the message using our system's forward button in the message. Messages forwarded directly from the email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail) are not included.


    Hard Bounces​

    ​Hard Bounces​ displays the number of messages rejected by the receiving MTA. A hard bounce, according to the eec, is a delivery failure due to a permanent condition (e.g. an invalid email address). For more information, see Bounces.

    Hard Bounces Rate (Domain)​

    ​Hard Bounces Rate​ displays the percentage of total messages sent to this domain that resulted in a hard bounce. For more information, see Bounces.

    ​Hard Bounces Rate = Hard Bounces at this domain/Total number of messages to this domain​


    Inbox Placement Rate​

    ​Inbox Placement Rate​ displays the percent of messages that were successfully delivered to each domain.

    ​Inbox Placement Rate = Number of test messages delivered to the domain / Total number of test messages sent to the domain​

    Invalid Domain​

    ​Invalid Domain​ displays the number of messages that could not be sent due to an invalid domain (e.g.


    Messages Sent​

    ​Messages Sent​ displays the total number of messages successfully sent by the system.

    Messages Sent (Domain)​

    ​Messages Sent​ displays the number of messages sent by our MTA to each domain.

    Messages Sent Fax​

    ​Messages Sent Fax​ displays the total number of fax messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent HTML​

    ​Messages Sent HTML​ displays the total number of HTML messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent Multipart​

    ​Messages Sent Multipart​ displays the total number of multipart messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent Rate (Domain)​

    ​Messages Sent Rate​ displays the total number of messages sent to a domain divided by the number of messages sent.

    ​Messages Sent Rate = Messages Sent per domain \ Messages Sent​

    Messages Sent SMS​

    ​Messages Sent SMS​ displays the total number of SMS messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent Text​

    ​Messages Sent Text​ displays the total number of text-only messages sent by the system.

    Missing Rate​

    Missing Rate​ displays the percentage of messages that could not be delivered at each domain.

    Missing Rate = Number of test messages at the domain with no identification status / Total number of messages sent to the domain​


    Opened on desktop​

    ​Opened on desktop​ displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a desktop device.

    Opened on desktop = Confirmed Opens on desktop / Confirmed Opens in the sendout​

    Opened on mobile device​

    ​Opened on mobile​ device displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a mobile device.

    Opened on mobile device = Confirmed Opens on mobile device / Confirmed Opens in the sendout​

    Opened on tablet​

    ​Opened on tablet​ displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a tablet device.

    Opened on tablet = Confirmed Opens on tablet / Confirmed Opens in the sendout​

    Opened on unknown platform​

    ​Opened on unknown platform​ displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a device that could not be identified by the system.

    ​Opened on unknown platform = Confirmed Opens on unknown platform / Confirmed Opens in the sendout​


    Page Impressions​

    ​Page Impressions display the total number of times this particular conversion was performed on the website. On a technical level, this means that the system counts the number of times that the tracking pixel inserted on the conversion page (e.g. the purchase confirmation page)is downloaded from the Mapp servers. In calculating this figure, the system does not distinguish between conversions performed by recipients in the Engage system, and external visitors (i.e. visitors not identified as recipients in the Engage system).



    ​Skipped​ displays the number of addresses to whom no message was sent by our server. An address can be skipped during sendout for several reasons - for example, if the address is on a blacklist or Robinson list, or if no address is stored in the user profile.

    Soft Bounces​

    ​Soft Bounces​ displays the number of messages that were rejected by the receiving server. A soft bounce, according to eec, is a delivery failure due to a temporary condition (e.g. mailbox is currently full). For more information, see Bounces.

    Soft Bounces Rate (Domain)​

    ​Soft Bounces Rate​ displays the percentage of total messages sent to this domain that resulted in a soft bounce. For more information, see Bounces.

    Soft Bounces Rate = Soft Bounces at this domain/Total number of Messages Sent to this domain​

    Spam Complaints​

    Spam Complaints​ displays the number of recipients who flagged the message as spam in their inbox. As not every email provider reports this activity back to the system, the actual number of spam complaints may be higher.

    Spam Rate​

    ​Spam Rate​ displays the percentage of messages that landed in the spam folder of each domain.

    ​Spam Rate = Number of test messages in the spam folder/ Total number of test messages sent to the domain​


    Total Clicks​

    ​Total Clicks​ displays the total number of clicks on any link in the message.

    Total Clicks (Link Analysis)​

    ​Total Clicks​ displays the total number of clicks on this link.

    Total Clicks (Link Category Analysis)​

    ​Total Clicks​ displays the total number of clicks on any link in this link category.

    Total Forwards​

    ​Total Forwards​ displays the number of recipients who received the message via our system's forward button in the message. Messages forwarded directly from an email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail) are not included.

    Total Sales (per Conversion)​

    ​Total Sales​ display the total sales resulting from a specific Conversion Tracking. This takes into account all resultant sales based on the Conversion Tracking contained in this and any other messages containing this particular Conversion Tracking.

    Total Sales (per Message)​

    ​Total Sales​ display the total sales resulting from the message. This entry is comprehensive for all Conversion Tracking, that is it takes into account all resultant sales based on Conversation Tracking contained in the message.

    Total Sales (per Conversion per Message)​

    ​Total Sales​ display the total sales based on the specific Conversion Tracking contained in this message.



    ​Unsubscribes​ displays the number of recipients who unsubscribed after receiving the message.

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