KPIs - Single Messages
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    KPIs - Single Messages

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    Article summary


    Accepted Messages​

    ​Accepted Messages​ shows the number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    Accepted Messages = Messages Sent - Bounced​

    Accepted Rate​

    ​Accepted Rate​ displays the number of messages accepted by the recipient Message Transfer Agent (MTA) divided by the number of messages sent. It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    Accepted Rate = Accepted Messages / Messages Sent​



    ​Bounced​ displays the number of messages that were rejected by the receiving server. The system differentiates between hard and soft bounces. Bounces do not include messages that go into the spam folder or that are answered through automatic replies (e.g. out of office messages).

    However, it occasionally happens that a receiving MTA incorrectly sends a bounce message back to the sending server. These "false alarm" bounce messages can be checked by evaluating user activities tracked by our system, e.g. an open or a click. In this case, the message is no longer considered a bounce and does not contribute to the total number of bounces in the message statistics.

    Bounces are either hard bounces or soft bounces, according to the eec:

    Hard Bounces: delivery failures for permanent conditions such as a non-existent email address.

    Soft Bounces: delivery failures due to a temporary condition such as a full inbox.


    Confirmed Open Rate​

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​ displays the number of opened messages divided by the number of accepted messages.

    Confirmed Open Rate = Messages Opened / Accepted Messages​

    Confirmed Opens​

    ​Confirmed Opens​ displays the total number of openings for the message by message ID.


    ​CTO​ displays the number of messages clicked divided by the number of messages opened.

    ​Click-To-Open-Rate = Messages Clicked / Messages Opened​


    ​CTR​ (Click Through Rate) displays the number of messages clicked divided by the number of accepted messages.

    ​CTR = Messages Clicked / Accepted Messages​


    Hard Bounces​

    ​Hard Bounces​ displays the number of hard bounces for a single message. Hard bounces are delivery failures for permanent conditions such as a non-existent email address (see Bounces).

    Hard Bounce Rate​

    ​Hard Bounce Rate​ shows the percentage of hard bounces for all previously sent messages, i.e. delivery failure due to a permanent condition such as a non-existent email address.

    Hard Bounce Rate = Hard Bounces / Messages Sent​


    Invalid Domain​

    ​Invalid Domain​ displays the number of single messages that could not be delivered due to a domain deemed invalid by theEngage MTA and were removed before message sendout. If an invalid domain is chosen multiple times for the sendout of a single message, for example, through a selection, every single message sent for each sendout to the invalid domain is included as an Invalid Domain.


    Messages Clicked​

    ​Messages Clicked​ shows the number of messages in which a link was clicked. If a recipient clicks a link more than once, it is only counted once per sendout.

    Messages Opened​

    ​Messages Opened​ displays the number of opened messages. If a recipient opens a message more than once, it is only counted once per sendout. The opening of a message can be determined using a tracking pixel or other recipient activity (e.g. clicking on a link).

    Messages Sent​

    ​Messages Sent  shows the number of messages successfully sent by the Engage MTA (Message Transfer Agent) with the same message ID.

    Messages Sent Fax​

    ​Messages Sent Fax​ displays the total number of fax messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent HTML​

    ​Messages Sent HTML​ displays the total number of HTML messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent Multipart​

    ​Messages Sent Multipart​ displays the total number of multipart messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent SMS​

    ​Messages Sent SMS​ displays the total number of SMS messages sent by the system.

    Messages Sent Text​

    ​Messages Sent Text​ displays the total number of text-only messages sent by the system.



    ​Skipped​ displays the number of messages removed from the sendout by the system. A message can be skipped during sendout for several reasons. For example, if the recipient is on a blacklist or Robinson list, or if the recipient does not have an address stored in the user profile.

    Soft Bounce Rate​

    ​Soft Bounce Rate​ shows the percentage of soft bounces for all previously sent messages, i.e. delivery failure due to temporary problems such as a full inbox (see Bounces).

    ​Soft Bounce Rate = Soft Bounces / Messages Sent​

    Spam Complaints​

    ​Spam Complaints​ show the number of messages that were flagged as spam in the recipient's inbox. As not every email provider reports this activity back to the system, the actual number of spam complaints may be higher.


    Total Clicks​

    ​Total Clicks​ displays the total number of clicks on any link contained in a message according to the message ID.

    Total Forwards​

    ​Total Forwards​ displays the number of single messages which were forwarded using theEngage forward button, regardless of which recipient forwarded the message. Forwards directly from the email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail) cannot be calculated.



    ​Unsubscribes​ show the number of messages in which the recipient clicked the unsubscribe link contained in the email.

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