Last Form Field Cursor (Abandoned Form)
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    Last Form Field Cursor (Abandoned Form)

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    Article summary

    This metric shows how often a field was the last one a user interacted with before the form was abandoned. There does not need to be a follower page tracked to collect this information. 


    You have a form with 3 required fields:

    • Name

    • E-Mail

    • Phone Number

    2 people start the form. 1 person completes it, and 1 abandons the form while entering their phone number. The analysis will then look like:

    Please note, the Last Form Field Cursor is only recorded on forms a user clicks into and starts. If a form is abandoned before it is started, the Last Form Field Cursor will be 0.

    The "Form Fields Abandons" metric has been renamed to stop causing confusion with the " Qty Abandoned Form Fields" metric.

    Old name

    New name

    Form Fields Abandons

    Last Form Field Cursor (Abandoned Form)

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