List View (window)
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    List View (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    Administration​ > ​Log Tracker > ​List View​


    The ​List View window shows a list of Log Tracker entries. Each entry represents an event that took place in your Engage system. Filter options determine which entry classes are shown and define the time frame.

    Entries are grouped by date and displayed in chronological order. If there are no entries that match the applied filter for a specific day, the heading for the corresponding day is not displayed.

    A log entry for an event performed by an Engage user contains the following information:

    • Time: Displays the date and time the entry was recorded in the system, including the time zone.

    • Executor: Displays the ID of the user or agent that performed the action.

    • Source: Indicates that the action was performed by an Engage user. This is shown as source=web.

    • Source Address: Displays the IP address of the computer used to submit the request in Engage.

    • Type: Indicates the type of action performed.

    • Action: Displays the type of action performed when the user submitted the information entered on the form.

    • Filter: Displays the name of the filter class that handled the web request.

    After the ​Filter component, the log entry contains additional information, including the ID of any entities related to the system event.

    A log entry for an event performed by an API call contains the following information:

    • Time: Displays the date and time the entry was recorded in the system, including the time zone.

    • Executor: Displays the ID of the user or agent that performed the action.

    • Source: Indicates that the action was performed via API call. This is shown as source=api.

    • Type: Indicates the type of action performed.

    • Input Parameters: Displays the parameters included in the API call.

    • Output Parameters: Displays the parameters returned by Engage in response to the API call.

    • Source Address: Displays the IP address of the computer used to send the request to Engage.

    • Execution Time: Displays the amount of time Engage required to process the request.

    • Method Name: Displays the name of the method used for the API request.

    Filter Options​

    By default, the charts show events that took place in the last 24 hours. The filter options limit the events shown in the list to a specific time frame or entry class.

    • From: This input field determines the start date and time from which entries display on each chart. This value cannot be set to a date greater than 30 days in the past.

    • To: This input field determines the end date and time at which entries display on each chart. This value cannot be set to a date greater than 30 days in the past.

    • Entry Class: This area determines which entry classes are displayed in the ​List View window. When no classes are selected, the ​List View window displays charts for all entry classes.

    • Entry Type: This input field filters entries by entry type. Only entry types that match the text entered in the input field are displayed.

    • Reference ID: This filter includes a drop-down list for selecting an ID type and an input field for entering an ID value. This filter can be useful when searching for entries related to a specific group or message.

    • Executor ID: This input field filters entries by executor ID. This filter can be useful when searching for entries performed by a specific user or process.

    • Search Term: This input field filters entries that contain a specific string of text.

    Available Actions​

    • Filter: This button draws each chart according to the criteria set in the ​Filters area.

    • Clear: This button clears all set criteria and resets the list view.

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