Logout Device
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    Logout Device

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    Article summary


    The Logout Device feature in iOS allows developers to disassociate a user’s device from receiving notifications after they log out. This ensures secure handling of user-specific data and a tailored notification experience.

    Use Case

    1. Purpose:

      • Stop push notifications for a device after the user logs out.

      • Protect user privacy by removing the association between the user and the device.

    2. Benefits:

      • Prevent notifications from being sent to devices without an active session.

      • Enhance app security and ensure proper user management.

    Implementation Details

    1. Logout Device API: Call the SDK method to log out the device:

      For Objective-C:

      [[Appoxee shared] logoutDeviceWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
          if (!error) {
              NSLog(@"Device successfully logged out.");
          } else {
              NSLog(@"Failed to log out device: %@", error.localizedDescription);

      For Swift:

      Appoxee.shared()?.logoutDevice { error in
          if error == nil {
              print("Device successfully logged out.")
          } else {
              print("Failed to log out device: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")
    2. Post-Logout Notification Behavior: Ensure that after logout, the device does not receive any notifications tied to the previous user session.

    3. Re-login Handling: Re-enable notifications when a user logs back into their account:

    4. Clear Additional Data on Logout: Optionally clear cached data and user-specific preferences:

      UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "user_data")

    Keep in mind:

    • Test logout functionality to verify that no notifications are received after logout.

    • Inform users that logging out will disable notifications for their account on the device.

    • Implement proper error handling to ensure the logout operation is successful even under poor network conditions.

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