Mapp Engage: Content Management Improvements
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    Mapp Engage: Content Management Improvements

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    Article summary

    10 Feb 2021 Mapp Engage has improved the message creation workflow. You can now create non-HTML fallback content, set message category before sendout and more. Check below for an overview of all Content Management improvements.

    Key Benefits

    • Create textual fallback content for devices that cannot render HTML content - available on both template and message level.

    • Define the message category before sendout - available on both template and message level. This ensures consistency of the message characteristics between message creation and sendout.

    • Access all your segments via a search bar and use them as sendout condition.

    • Include special characters in Email title.


    This upgrade is part of our Winter Update 2021 and is available to all Engage clients as of 10 February 2021.

    How does it work?

    Create fallback message

    You may have contacts in your portfolio who are still using devices that cannot display HTML. You can now use the Textual Fallback field to enter a plain text message that will be delivered and displayed on devices that do not support HTML.

    Define message category before sendout

    You can now select the Message Category when creating the email itself. Simply select it from the Message Category drop-down list. The category will already be predefined on the sendout step and there will be no risk of selecting the wrong one.

    Use segments as sendout condition

    You can now find any segment created in Segmentation Builder and use it as a condition for your sendout - simply use the search bar to find it. 

    Use special characters in Email Name

    Special characters such as hash and Dollar signs, percent, ampersand and more can now be used in the Email name. 

    Related Topics

    Compose Email Message
    Compose Email Template
    Message Category

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