Mapp Engage: Message Category Filter in Segmentation Builder
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    Mapp Engage: Message Category Filter in Segmentation Builder

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    Article summary

    11 May 2021 You can assign a message category to an email message upon its creation, which helps you manage the bulk of your email communication more efficiently. Now you can also make use of the message category in the Segmentation Builder and use it as a filter for opened, received and bounced email messages.

    Key Benefits

    • Fewer message conditions need to be configured within the selection.

    • Less manual work means less room for error.

    • The filter is available for opened, received and bounced email messages.

    How does it work?

    It is good practice to assign message categories to your messages. For example, you can categorize all your newsletters: Monthly Newsletter, Weekly Newsletter, Holiday Newsletter, and so on. 

    Choose Message category from the Additional Criteria drop-down list when configuring the selection. The new filter is available for email message deliverability categories: Received, Opened and Bounced.


    This feature is part of our Spring 2021 product update. It is available to all Engage clients as of 11 May 2021.

    Related Topics

    Segmentation Builder
    Message Category

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