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Mapp Engage: Mobile Push Migration to HTTP v1
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Update: August 2024
Please see our latest article about the continued deprecation of support here: Mapp Engage: Android Mobile Push Migration
16 May 2024 We're implementing Google's new authentication method for Android applications in our Channels Management process! In the coming weeks, you'll need to make some adjustments to continue sending Mobile Push messages to Android users.
Key Benefits
Stay up to date with Google's latest requirements.
A shortened use time for tokens increases security. Read more about the new advantages from Google here.
How does it work?
When you set up new channels in Engage, you don't need to make any changes. However, you will need to reconfigure or deactivate any existing channels.
Please note that you will need additional permissions to generate the JSON file. If an IAM (Identity and Access Management) user has the permission of "Firebase Cloud Messaging Admin", this gives them access to the Firebase messaging console and to the projects within the console. To generate the file, they will also need:
Firebase Admin (roles/firebase.admin)
Firebase Grow Admin (roles/firebase.growthAdmin)
Firebase Admin SDK Administrator Service Agent (roles/firebase.sdkAdminServiceAgent)
Firebase SDK Provisioning Service Agent (roles/firebase.sdkProvisioningServiceAgent)
The user generating the new JSON file must also have permissions to send Push Notifications on Firebase otherwise the credentials will not allow sending.
Please visit Google's documentation for more information about these permissions.
First, you must update your Firebase authentication for your channels from the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) key to FCM JSON Credentials. See our guides on Android Application Setup for Mapp Cloud for more information. Then:
Create or Edit a Channel:
For a new channel, select Administration > Channels> Mobile Applications >Create App Channel. Then, on the “Info“ step, choose Android > Step 2: Configure.
For an existing channel, go to Administration > Channels > Mobile Applications and select your Android channel that’s in the DRAFT or INACTIVE status. Choose to Edit or View channel, then Step 2: Configure.
Configure your FCM Credentials.
Save and Activate the channel.
Proceed to create a mobile push notification with the newly configured channel.
This update will be rolled out over the next week. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you have questions. We will be supporting the old FCM settings until June 20th, 2024. If you would like help updating your credentials, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Related Topics
Migrate from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
Android Application Setup for Mapp Cloud