Mapp Engage Variables - Content/Attachment
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    Mapp Engage Variables - Content/Attachment

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    Article summary

    Mapp Engage Variables add content from a website into an email or landing page. You must modify these variables before use.

    This category also includes a variable to send a different attachment to each email recipient.



    Content Merging (Insert Content)​

    Use this variable to insert content that is stored at a fixed (not personalized) web address. Mapp Engage adds the content as text or HTML code to the email. This variable is used in email messages only.

    Insert Ad

    Use this variable to insert content that is stored at a personalized web address. Mapp Engage adds the content as text or HTML code to the email or landing page. This variable is used in email messages and landing pages.


    This variable is identical to the ​Insert Ad​ variable, except that Mapp Engage does not alter the HTML code in any way. Use this variable if you want to insert, create, and store your message on another platform. Then insert the whole email into a Mapp Engage message for sendout.

    ​Individual Attachments​

    Use this variable to send a personalized file to each contact as an email attachment. For example, use this variable to send invoices. This variable can be used in email messages only. For instructions, see ​Add an Individual Attachment to a Message​.

    RSS Title​

    Use this variable to insert the title of the first item from your RSS block into the subject line.

    Content Merging (Insert Content)​

    Use the ​Content Merging​ variable to insert content that is stored at a fixed (not personalized) web address. Mapp Engage adds the content as text or HTML code to the email.

    • The URL cannot be personalized. All content that is inserted into the email is from the same URL.

    • You can use personalisation within the content that is inserted into the email or landing page.

    • Mapp Engage can track the links that appear within the imported content.

    • Images can be hosted in Mapp Engage and specified with a relative path. You define the method for image handling during the message creation.

    Use the Insert Content Variable for Content Merging​

    After you add the ​Content Merging​ variable to the email, add the correct URL and define the character encoding.

    • Default placeholder format: <ecm:insertcontent url="URL" encoding="ISO-8859-1" />

    • Example of a correctly modified placeholder: <ecm:insertcontent url="" encoding="ISO-8859-1" />

    • URL:​ Enter the URL where the content is stored. Include the protocol (for example, http://).

    • Encoding:​ Enter the character encoding of the website. The character encoding ensures that all special characters in the content can be displayed.

    You can add Mapp Engage personalisation to the web content that you insert into the email. The personalisations are processed during sendout. For more information, see ​Personalisation​.

    There are a few important considerations that can affect the display of the inserted content:

    • Mapp Engage cannot use a linked CSS style sheet to format the content in the email. CSS information must be contained within the HTML of the web page.

    • Links between web pages must be specified as an absolute path. Links on web pages can be specified as a relative path. Relative paths no longer work following sendout.

    • Images on the website must be stored at a publicly accessible web address. Mapp Engage can only display the images in the email or on the landing page if they are accessible.
      You do not have to customize relative image addresses. Relative image addresses are automatically converted to absolute addresses in Mapp Engage. You define the method for image handling during the message creation.

    Insert Ad ​

    Use this variable to insert the content that is stored at personalized web addresses. Mapp Engage adds the content as text or HTML code to the email or landing page.

    You can add up to two ​Insert Ad​ variables to a landing page. Too many ​Insert Ad​ variables on one landing page can negatively affect speed and performance when the landing page loads.

    • Each URL is personalized. The address and the content of the website is personalized for each recipient.

    • The personalisation process occurs by resolving the URL.

    • You cannot use personalisation within the content block.

    • Link tracking is not available for personalized links. You can set up personalized link tracking (as an aggregate) in the group settings. For more information, see Tracking & Links (Tab)​. personalized links are evaluated as an aggregate, rather than separately, because each contact receives a different personalized link. You can create link categories to help to organize the different personalized links in the statistics.

    • Images that appear in the imported content are hosted in Mapp Engage. The image address must be static.

    Mapp Engage does not check the imported content in any way, or run a virus scan on the content. You are responsible to ensure that the external source is secure and can be trusted.

    Use the Insert Ad Variable​

    After you add the Mapp Engage Variable to the landing page or email, modify the placeholder. Add the correct URL and define the character encoding.

    • Default placeholder format: <%InsertAd:"URL"%>

    • Example of a correctly modified placeholder: <%InsertAd:"${user.customAttribute['URL']}"%>.

    Replace the URL with the actual, personalized URL. Include the protocol (for example, http://). The personalisation appears within the following tag: ${personalisation}.


    Your website is Contacts can visit individual product pages that correspond with their interests. The value that is stored in the Hobby attribute determines the site paths.

    In this case, you modify the ​Insert Ad​ variable as follows: <%InsertAd:"${user.customAttribute['Hobby']}.html"%>.

    InsertDocument ​

    This variable is identical to the ​Insert Ad​ variable, except that Mapp Engage does not alter the HTML code in any way. Use this variable to insert, create, and store your message on another platform. Then insert the whole email into a Mapp Engage message for sendout.

    Individual Attachments​

    Mapp Engage offers a variable that enables you to send a different attachment to each email recipient. For example, use this variable to send invoices or account statements. You drag and drop the variable into the email message to add the attachment. During sendout, Mapp Engage fetches the attachment for each contact from the specified server and attaches the file to the email. Each contact receives the correct file.

    You must store the personalized attachments on a separate web server. You cannot upload the personalized attachments from your local computer. To secure the data, access can be limited to certain IP addresses (IP restriction).

    For instructions, see Add an Individual Attachment to a Message​.

    Mapp Engage does not check your attachments or run a virus scan on them. You are responsible to ensure that the external source of the attachments is secure and can be trusted.

    During processing, each attachment generates a single request to the web server on which the attachments are stored. The web server that stores the attachments must therefore be able to handle the number of requests that arise during processing. The sendout speed, among other things, affects the server load.

    Large attachments can slow the overall speed of your sendout. Talk to your customer representative to check that your attachments are not excessively large.

    RSS Title​

    Use this variable to insert the title of the first item from your RSS block into the subject line.

    • Default placeholder format: <%RSSTitle:"URL"%>.

    • This variable in your subject line without an RSS content block causes an error.

    • This variable can only be inserted. If you manually enter the default placeholder, the variable is not replaced.

    • This variable can only be inserted in the subject line. If you insert the variable in any other place, the variable is not replaced.

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