Mapp Engage Variables - Group Attributes
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    Mapp Engage Variables - Group Attributes

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    Article summary

    The Mapp Engage Variables in the ​Group Attributes​ category insert data about the sendout group into your message.

    For example, you can insert the following variables:

    • Group name

    • Email address

    • Language

    • Country

    • Group

    Navigation Path​

    1. Create a message or landing page.

    2. Click ​Mapp Engage Variables​.

    3. From the ​Category​ drop-down list, select ​Group Attributes​.

    Available Group Placeholders Variables​




    Group Name


    During sendout, the name of the group in which the message is sent replaces this placeholder.

    Group Email


    During sendout, the email address of the group in which the message is sent replaces this placeholder.

    Group Category


    During sendout, the name of the category of the group in which the message is sent replaces this placeholder. A group category is a keyword that is assigned to a group to organize, filter, or search for different types of groups.

    Group Category ID


    During sendout, the ID of the category of the group in which the message is sent replaces this placeholder. A group category is a keyword that is assigned to a group to organize, filter, or search for different types of groups.

    Group Language


    During sendout, the language set for the group in which the message is sent replaces this placeholder.

    Group Country


    During sendout, the ISO country code or the group in which the message is sent replaces this placeholder.

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