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Mapp Engage Variables - Landing Pages
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The Mapp Engage Variables in the Landing Pages category generate and insert a link to a landing page that you created in Mapp Engage.
You can use these variables in a message or on a landing page.
If you add this variable to a message, the variable creates a link in the message that takes the contact to the landing page. When you send the message, Mapp Engage adds the message ID and user ID to the link. This information allows Mapp Engage to identify the contact who visits the landing page and the message that the contact clicked.
If you add this variable to a landing page, the variable creates a link to a different landing page. For more information, see Engage Variables in Landing Pages.
Navigation Path
Create a message or landing page.
Click the Mapp Engage Variables button.
From the Category drop-down list, select Landing Pages.
Landing Page Variables
The Landing Pages category in the Mapp Engage Variables menu lists all the landing pages in your Mapp Engage system.
If there are no landing pages available in the Mapp Engage Variables menu, one of the following is true:
There are currently no landing pages in your Mapp Engage system.
You lack permission to see the landing pages. To view landing pages, you need one of the following system permissions:
1500 CMS: View All Landing Pages
1501 CMS: Edit Own Landing Pages.
The variable has the form of a placeholder that appears within tags, like this: <% ... % >
The placeholder is automatically inserted within an HTML link. You do not need to adapt the placeholder before sendout. However, you can feel free to change the link text.
The link has the following format: <a href="<%InsertLPLink id='11'%>">Link Text</a>
The ID is the ID of the landing page. Mapp Engage assigns every landing page a unique ID number when you create the landing page.
The link text is the text that your contacts see displayed in the email or on the landing page. You can change this text.
When you send the message, Mapp Engage adds the message ID and user ID to the link. This information allows Mapp Engage to identify the contact who visits the landing page and the message that the contact clicked.
<a href="<%InsertLPLink id="7"%>">Enter to win!</a>
In the HTML code, the variable has the following structure: <a href="<%InsertLPLink id="7"%>">Lottery</a>
In the email message or on the landing page, the contact sees the text "Enter to win!" The text is the link to the landing page.
After sendout, the link URL has the following format: http://systemname.xxx/public/m/pagename?mid=YYYYYYYYY&uid=YYYYYYYYY&sig=YYYYYYYYY
mid transmits the unique message ID number that Mapp Engage assigns to each message.
uid transmits the unique user ID number that Mapp Engage assigns to each contact in your system.