Mapp Engage Variables - Messages
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    Mapp Engage Variables - Messages

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    Article summary

    Use these variables to insert metadata about the message, domain, or Mapp Engage system into your messages.

    This category also includes variables to mark the mobile content and PC content.

    Mapp Engage Variables for Message Content​




    ​System Message​


    Use this placeholder when you create system messages with a prepared message. Create the layout of the system message by creating a prepared message that you save as a system message template. In the ​System Messages​ area, edit the specific information in the system message (information such as the subscribe or unsubscribe confirmation). The variable inserts the system message information into the prepared message template. For more information, see ​Use Template for System Message​.

    ​Message Name​


    This placeholder inserts the name of the message during sendout.

    ​Message Subject​


    This placeholder inserts the subject of the message during sendout,

    ​External Message ID​


    The external message ID is a value that is added to message links during sendout. This value is then transmitted to an external system. You can use the variable to add the external message ID to a link manually during the message creation.

    ​Web Domain​


    This placeholder inserts the web domain (http or https) of your Mapp Engage system during sendout.

    ​Email Domain​


    This placeholder inserts the name of the email domain of your Mapp Engage system during sendout.

    ​System Name​


    This placeholder inserts the name of your Mapp Engage system during sendout.

    ​Message Category​


    This placeholder inserts the name of the ​Message Category​ during the sendout.

    ​Mobile Version Content​

    <%InsertIf device="mobile"%>

    Use this variable to mark sections of content that are only displayed in the mobile version.

    Mapp Engage offers the possibility to create a single email message that can be viewed in two versions. Each version is designed for optimal display either on a PC or a mobile device. During the message creation, the ​Mapp Engage Variables​ are used to tag some content elements as mobile content, and others for the PC content. During sendout, the PC content is displayed by default. A link to display the mobile version is automatically created and placed at the top of the email. When the recipient clicks the link, a new internet window opens and displays the mobile-optimised version. Content elements that are not tagged as PC or mobile content are displayed in both versions. For more information, see Create a Mobile Version of an Email​.

    <%InsertIf device="mobile"%> marks the beginning of the mobile content. <%/InsertIf%> marks the end of the mobile content.

    You must also include a ​Read Message Online (Mobile)​ link. This Mapp Engage Variable is in the ​System Links​ category.

    ​PC Version Content​

    <%InsertIf device="pc"%>

    Use this variable to mark sections of content that is only displayed in the PC version.

    During the message creation, the ​Mapp Engage Variables​ are used to tag some content elements as mobile content, and others for the PC content. During sendout, the PC content is displayed by default.

    <%InsertIf device="pc"%> marks the beginning of the PC content. <%/InsertIf%> marks the end of the PC content.

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