Mapp Intelligence: Extended User Role Management
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    Mapp Intelligence: Extended User Role Management

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    Article summary

    06 Apr 2020 This new feature provides you with more precise control regarding user roles. In Mapp Intelligence, it has already been possible to grant access to some of the analyses to specified users. Now you can do more: Based on the existing role and right management, it is possible to set up access rights for any metric and dimension in your Mapp Intelligence account – regardless of them being predefined or customized. Thus, figures that a user is not allowed to view will be locked in all Reports and Analyses.

    Key benefits

    • You decide who has access to certain metrics and dimensions

    • Users spend less time searching and can navigate easier as they get a personalized view of the account

    • This way, you can customize and view restrictions for better compliance with any individual security regulations

    • The user receives immediate notifications if he does not have the required permission


    Extended user role management will be rolled out gradually and made available to all customers by the end of April.
    As a Mapp Intelligence customer, you will be able to take advantage of it in your account. As soon as the feature is activated, the access rights for all existing roles will be automatically set to Full access. If you do not want to restrict any user roles, you do not have to make any changes.

    How does it work?

    Note that you require admin access to the account to manage users. In order to find the new feature, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your Mapp Intelligence account

    2. Navigate to the "User Management > Roles" and scroll down to Dimensions and metrics configuration

    3. Here you can switch the bar from Full to Custom. Now you can select the dimensions and metrics that should be available for users in this role, simply by checking the boxes

    Dimensions and metrics are always grouped. You can either select a single element or a group. For custom elements like parameters and categories, giving access on a group level might save you time in the future. You won't have to adapt role settings, once you've created a new element.

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