Mapp Intelligence: Improved Exports
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    Mapp Intelligence: Improved Exports

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    Article summary

    19 Jun 2020 Spring time is cleaning time. So Mapp has some fresh improvements to share. We made some changes to the CSV and Excel exports. All calculation triggering elements are now included in the export files, like live and raw data variants of Analyses, Sparklines and Single KPIs. This facelift comes with stability improvements and eliminates export inconsistencies.

    Key Benefits

    • Live Data Sparklines and Single KPIs are now included in your CSV or Excel export files.

    • For exported Sparklines a column is added to include the comparison dates.

    • Raw and live data KPIs are exported without dimension column and footer.

    What's changed?

    • Sparklines can be compared more easily. Sparklines include the comparison dates, just like these dates appear in the front end on mouse over.



    • Raw and live data KPIs are exported without a dimension column.




    The improvements apply to all Mapp Intelligence accounts.

    Customers who upload this data to other systems like CRMs might have to make some adjustments due to the changes described above. Get in touch with your Account Manager if you have questions about this update.

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