Mapp Intelligence: New Values for Better Comparison
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    Mapp Intelligence: New Values for Better Comparison

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    Article summary

    29 Jul 2020 Small change, significant impact: As of today, you can apply the exact number of change (Δ delta) next to the percentage value in your analyses. Both values appear in one column to show the comparison value. This enhancement enables you to run even more meaningful comparison analysis and view the changes in your data in exact numbers. Sort your comparison by the delta to evaluate which pages or products show the largest increase or decrease for a metric

    Key Benefits

    • Run better comparison analyses.

    • Gain more meaningful insights.

    • Sort the analyses by the exact number of change.

    • Display the percent value as the secondary information or the opposite way.

    What's Changed?

    Previously, the comparison analyses included the change in percent. Sometimes the percent value is not enough to interpret the data in a meaningful way. A change of 100% sounds good, right? But such an increase might have been caused by a small number, for example of orders. To understand the value thoroughly and gain real insights, the exact number of change is a crucial information to evaluate your success. 

    Both values, percent and exact value, are now available in one comparison cell. Define which one is the primary value according to your needs. In exports the value of your choice is the one to be shown. 


    For the comparison analyses, only one y-axis is available for the chart visualization at the moment. Soon the tool supports two x-axes for the chart of the comparison analyses. Then you are able to combine the percentage and the exact value simultaneously and display the compared data in a useful way. We keep you posted.


    This improvement applies to all Mapp Intelligence accounts. If you have any questions or feedback to share, do not hesitate to contact your dedicated Account Manager.

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