Mapp Intelligence: Updated Pixel Debug Plugin
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    Mapp Intelligence: Updated Pixel Debug Plugin

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    Article summary

    08 Nov 2022 The new version of our Debug plugin is here to help make checking your tracking implementation easier than ever!

    Key Benefits

    • The new queue function ensures you're seeing requests in chronological order. 

    • New option to download request parser data as a CSV directly from the plugin. 

    • If one exists, the everID set by the server will be shown.

    • The following additional endpoints are visible under "other" requests:

      1. Independent requests: shows your independent parameters. 

      2. Cookie Control requests: allows you to access the properties of cookies you've set.

      3. Optout Requests: shows when a user opted out of tracking.

      4. Redirect requests: used to count clicks on HTML links.


    This feature is part of our Fall update 2022 is available for download in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

    Related Topics

    Mapp Cloud Debugger

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