Mapping Data
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    Mapping Data

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    Article summary

    Mapping data from _ti object in Tag Integration is the last step to do.

    In global context under window, you can find the _ti object which contains your tracking data. To map this data via Tag Integration (TI) you have to do two things:

    1. Create a parameter that reads the data from the _ti object. Example: To track the pageName, create a parameter in TI like this

    2. Map the data to the Mapp Intelligence plugin in your container within the Mapp Intelligence plugin

    Now the page name of page requests will have whatever will be in _ti.pageName (which is the URL of the page without parameters).

    Attribute overview of _ti object



    Suggested mapping


    URL without parameter.

    Page → Page name


    Meta title of page.

    Publisher → Page title


    Anonymous Shopware customer id - only available if customer is logged in.

    Visitor → Customer Id


    '1' if customer agreed to receive newsletter, '2' if not - only available if customer is logged in.

    Visitor → Email Opt-in


    '1' for male and '2' for female (this will only work if the technical name for Salutations is for male Mr or Herr, and Ms, Mrs, Miss or Frau for female (see Settings → Salutations in Shopware 6 Backend). Only available if customer is logged in.

    Visitor → Gender


    Age of customer - only available if he entered the birthday during registration and customer is logged in.

    The age is calculated based on the birthday on server side, so the customers' actual birthday is not exposed to the client by Mapp Intelligence.

    Visitor → URM Categories


    Depending on where you are the values can be: Checkout, Catalogue, Account, Home, Content.

    Page → Content Groups


    Depending on where you are the values can be: Product Overview, Product Detail, Internal Search, Landing Page.

    Page → Content Groups


    Number of page in product lists and search results.

    Page →  Page Parameter


    Set to 'virtual' when adding products to basket, and view requests before adding to basket on pages that are not product detail pages.

    Page →  Page Parameter


    Search term on search result page.

    Page → Internal Search Phrase


    Amount of search results on search result page.

    Page → Number of Search Results


    Product price. Will be calculated based on the quantity during order or when multiple items are added to cart at once.

    Product → Product Costs


    The value you enter under 'Product number' when you create a product in Shopware 6.

    Product → Product Name or ID


    The Shopware 6 database ID of a product.

    Product → Product Categories


    The title of a product.

    Product → Product Categories


    The amount of a product.

    Product → Product Quantity


    '1' if available stock is 0 or below, '' if available stock is at least 1.

    Product → Predefined → Product Sold Out


    All product categories as an array.

    Product → Product Categories


    The first product category.

    Product → Product Categories


    The second product category.

    Product → Product Categories


    Possible statuses:

    • view: product detail

    • add: added to basket

    • del: deleted from basket

    • conf: order confirmation

    • add-wl: added to wishlist

    • del-wl: deleted from wishlist

    Product → Shopping Cart Status


    The currency ISO code.

    Product → Currency


    The ID of an order.

    Product → Order ID


    The total value of an order, incl. taxes.

    Product → Total Order value


    Value of coupons during order.

    Product → Predefined → Voucher Value

    Customizing product event names via Datalayer

    Since version 1.2.0 the plugin fires event requests for products that are added and removed to the wishlist, and added to / removed from cart via offCanvas cart and checkout pages (cart, confirm).

    The event names can be overwritten by adding properties to the datalayer. This can be done in your theme via TWIG templates.

    If you'd put it in your header.html.twig template, it would look like this:

    {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/header.html.twig' %}
    {% block layout_header %}
    	{{ parent() }}
    		window._ti = window._ti || {};
    		window._ti["add"] = "My add-to-cart event name";
    		window._ti["del"] = "My delete-from-cart event name";
    		window._ti["add-wl"] = "My add-to-wishlist event name";
    		window._ti["del-wl"] = "My delete-from-wishlist event name";
    {% endblock %}

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