Match Contacts between Engage and Intelligence without Redirects
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    Match Contacts between Engage and Intelligence without Redirects

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    Article summary

    There are currently two ways to match users in between Intelligence and Engage: via redirect when the contact clicks on a link in an email and via URL parameter if you're using the latest version of our Pixel (Released 2.02.2022).

    URL Parameter

    Anyone who doesn't want to use redirects can include the email receiver ID with the Mapp user ID as a value in their link:

    (<target domain>/?uc701=<%${user.PK}%>) 

    The contact who clicks on the link with this parameter is directed to your landing page with their Mapp ID appended to the URL. The pixel reads the ID from the URL and sends it together with the unique identifier (cd or eid) to the Intelligence backend.

    please note you must use this specific parameter in order to track without redirects. 


    Add Parameter to a Link Manually

    Parameters in Message Links

    Mapp Engage Variables

    Create segments in Intelligence and use them in Engage

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