Message A/B Testing
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    Message A/B Testing

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    Article summary


    Try out two different subject lines in a message to see which one achieves the best open rate. A/B testing is very easy to carry out with a scheduled Whiteboard. Multiple versions of a message are sent to a percentage of a group and the most popular version is then sent to the rest of the group.


    Before you build the whiteboard, make sure you create the following in Mapp Engage:

    • a segment that contains contacts who opted in to receive email communication from you

    • two prepared messages with different message titles for testing


    The sendout starts at noon. Two versions of the message are each sent to a different 10% of recipients randomly selected from the whiteboard audience. The main message is the one that has the higher opening rate and is sent to the remaining 80% of the audience after a two-day wait period.

    Show detailed configuration

    1. Configure the start job Whiteboard Audience by defining the date, time, Group and if needed, the segment.

    2. Add the job Split Email Sendout.

      • Select the Test message 1 and Test message 2 from the drop-down list. 

      • Define the Message selection criterion of the main message.

      • Define the Sendout delay - the time that will pass between the test sendout and the main sendout.

    Build additional steps of the Whiteboard if needed.

    A/B testing is also available for push notifications. For more information, see Split Push Sendout.

    Related Topics

    Split Email Sendout
    Split Push Sendout

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