Message Limitation
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    Message Limitation

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    Article summary

    If you send messages to many different groups on any given day, it can be difficult to keep track of how many messages each contact has received. As a solution, Mapp Engage allows you to create message limitations.

    You can place a limit on the number of messages that Mapp Engage sends to a contact in a certain time. You can create two kinds of message limitations: for a specific contact or system-wide.

    Once either of these limits has been reached, Mapp Engage stops sending messages to this contact. When the defined time period is over, the system automatically resumes sending messages.

    Message limitations apply to all Mapp Engage Messaging channels (email, SMS and mobile push). Message limitations do not apply to system messages or single messages.

    It is possible to create more than one system wide message limitation. In that case, the strictest limitation always applies.

    Forms of Message Limitation​

    You can create the following types of message limitation in your system.

    The strictest limitation always applies.

    1. Default Limit (9 Messages / Day)
      This setting applies to every Mapp Engage system. As a safeguard, a contact can receive no more than 9 messages per day.
      This limit overrides any other custom settings you may create for a group or a system. This limit cannot be increased.

    2. System-Wide Message Limitation
      You can set a system-wide message limit of fewer than 9 messages per day. This is the best way to limit messages when your contacts are members of many groups and may receive messages from many different groups in a short period of time.
      Message limitations apply to all Mapp Engage Messaging channels (email, SMS and mobile push). Message limitations do not apply to system messages or single messages. Group managers and owners are exempt from the message limitation. Group managers and owners continue to receive all messages to the groups.
      For instructions, see Create System-Wide Message Limit​.

    3. Contact-Specific Message Limitation
      The contact-specific message limit is defined for each contact separately. A message limit for a single contact is defined in the XML import file.
      For instructions, see Define Contact Message Limitation​.

    System-wide and contact-specific message limitations apply only in groups where message limitations are enabled. For instructions, see ​Enable Message Limitation for Group​.

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