Message Reply Received (C)
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    Message Reply Received (C)

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    Article summary

    This event executes a job every time a recipient replies to a message by clicking the reply button in his email client or responding to an incoming SMS.


    It is necessary to configure the ​Reply Handling​ in the group settings. In the group setttings, select ​Initiate an event-based automation​ from the drop-down list in the ​Replies​ field. This is necessary for every group in which this automation should apply.

    When the ​Reply Handling​ in the group settings is set to ​Initiate an event-based automation​, the group is assigned a new, automatically generated reply address. This address has the format The event is limited to incoming messages to this automatically generated reply address.

    The event does not include messages sent to the normal group email address

    The incoming messages must be from a registered address in the system. Incoming messages from other addresses are ignored.


    The designation (C) means contact-related. In general, you only combine contact (C) events with contact (C) jobs. For more information, see .Message Reply Received C v1.0



    Defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    Provides information about the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    Selects the type of event that, when combined with a job, forms the automation. Every time this event occurs, the system executes the dependent job. The job is defined in the ​Edit Event-based Job​ window.

    Recommended Automations​

    An automation is a combination of an event plus a resulting job. The following combinations are recommended. It is possible to create other combinations, as well, but not all combinations of events and jobs result in meaningful system behavior.

    • Message Reply Received (C) + Send Prepared Message to Contact (C): This automation sends a prepared message to a recipient when he replies to an email message. This automation cannot be used with incoming mobile messages.

    • Message Reply Received (C) + Unsubscribe Member from One Group (C): This automation unsubscribes a member from the group when he replies to an email message. For example, all replies are filtered to those that include "unsubscribe" in the subject line. The sender of the reply is unsubscribed from the group and receives an unsubscribe confirmation.

    Define Event​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the event.

    • Group Name: This drop-down list restricts the event to incoming messages in one specific group.

    • From Address: These fields limit the event to replies coming from a certain email address.

      • Equals: The sender's email address exactly matches the value in the input field.

      • Does Not Equal: The sender's email address does not match the value in the input field.

      • Starts with: The sender's email address starts with the value in the input field.

      • Ends with: The sender's email address ends with the value in the input field.

      • Matches [Regex]: The sender's email address matches the regular expression in the input field.

    • To Address: These fields limit the event to replies addressed to a certain email address. This can be used to apply the automation to multiple groups. It is necessary to configure the ​Reply Handling​ in the group settings of each group to which this automation should apply.

      • Equals: The to address exactly matches the value in the input field.

      • Does Not Equal: The to address does not match the value in the input field.

      • Starts with: The to address starts with the value in the input field.

      • Ends with: The to address ends with the value in the input field.

      • Matches [Regex]: The to address matches the regular expression in the input field.

    • Subject: These fields limit the event to replies with certain text in the subject line.

      • Equals: Text in the subject line exactly matches the value in the input field.

      • Does Not Equal: Text in the subject line does not match the value in the input field.

      • Starts with: Text in the subject line starts with the value in the input field.

      • Ends with: Text in the subject line ends with the value in the input field

      • Matches [Regex]: Text in the subject line matches the regular expression in the input field.

    • Body: These fields limit the event to replies with certain text in the message body.

      • Equals: Text in the message body exactly matches the value in the input field.

      • Does Not Equal: Text in the message body does not match the value in the input field.

      • Starts with: Text in the message body starts with the value in the input field.

      • Ends with: Text in the message body ends with the value in the input field

      • Matches [Regex]: Text in the message body matches the regular expression in the input field.

    • Case Insensitive: This checkbox ignores differences in uppercase and lowercase.

    Hint: You can use Regex to enter a combination of words.

    From the drop-down, select ​Matches [Regex]​.

    In the third field, enter the Regex.

    Example: *unsubscribe|(do[\s]*not[\s]*contact)*

    ​.*​ indicates that additional text or no text can appear before or after.

    ​|​ represents an "or" and indicates that only one of the patterns must appear in the email

    ​[\s]*​ indicates that one or more empty spaces may exist between these words

    Define Segment​

    • Segment: This drop-down list defines a selection. Applying a selection limits the event to contacts who fulfill the selection criteria. In this case, the selection applies to the users sending the reply.
      Use the button to search for a selection in the system.


    The following actions are available:

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