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Message Statistics (window)
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Statistics > Group Messages > Email >
This window displays your group message statistics.
In Engage, the Statistics area provides you with detailed information about the performance of your messages. Use detailed message tracking data to evaluate whether your messages reach your contacts and drive the results that you want.
The statistics offer real-time reporting of the most important KPIs, including opens, clicks, and conversions. You can also measure the number of forwards and whether these forwards resulted in audience growth. Information about bounces and deliverability can help you to identify problems with your address data or your sendout settings.
The statistics for each message include the following four main areas of analysis. Each area contains links to more in-depth analyses and more advanced statistics tools.
Delivery Performance: View essential details about message sendout and delivery.
Recipient Activity: Explore an in-depth analysis of how your contacts responded to your email.
Losses and Potential Reach: Identify problems that appeared during the sendout, as well as any potential new contacts made through forwards.
Conversions: Analyze whether your messages led to a desired conversion goal, such as a purchase or event registration.
Basic Information
Field | Description |
Subject | Displays the subject line of the email message. The subject line is visible to your contacts in their email inbox. |
Message ID | Displays the unique message ID. Engage assigns a unique message ID to every message when it is created. |
Group | Displays the name of the sendout group. |
Sendout | This column shows the date and time on which the message sendout was started. |
Group Size | Displays the number of active members in the sendout group at the point in time when the server began sending the message. |
Selection | Displays a selection that was applied to the message. If you did not apply a selection to the message, this field is empty. |
You find the options to export address data or an Excel report at the bottom of the window.
Action | Description |
Export Address Data | Exports address data for key performance indicators to a server (for example, an FTP server). This export includes all the address data which are used as a basis for calculating the statistics. To export the performance indicators themselves, create an export. For more information, see Export Options in Engage. |
Export Excel Report | Exports the message statistics data as an Excel file. The export includes all the data from this window, including graphics and charts. |
Export CSV Report | Exports the message statistics data as a CSV file. The export includes all the data from this window in text and numerical form, with no graphics or charts. |
Delivery Performance
View Details: This link opens the Delivery Performance window, which displays detailed information regarding sendout, domains, skipped messages, and Inbox Monitoring. For more information, see Delivery Performance (window).
Setting | Description |
Accepted Rate | Displays the percentage of messages that the receiving email server accepted from Engage. Accepted messages are all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce. Accepted messages include messages that are delivered to the inbox and to the spam and junk folders. The Accepted Rate is calculated as follows: Accepted Rate = Accepted / Messages Sent |
Messages Sent | Displays the total number of messages sent by the Engage MTA. |
Accepted | Displays the number of messages that the receiving email server accepted from Engage. Accepted messages are all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce. Accepted messages include messages that are delivered to the inbox and to the spam and junk folders. Accepted messages are calculated as follows: Accepted = Sent - Bounced |
Bounced | Displays the number of messages that the receiving email server rejected. The system differentiates between hard and soft bounces. Bounces exclude messages that go into the spam folder or that are answered through automatic replies (e.g. out-of-office messages). It occasionally happens that a receiving MTA incorrectly sends a bounce message back to the sending server. Engage compares these "false alarm" bounce messages with any recipient activity determined by our system, such as an open or a click. If a contact takes action on a message, then the address is no longer considered a bounce. A false alarm bounce does not contribute to the total number of bounces in the message statistics. |
Skipped | Displays the number of messages that Engage skipped during sendout. For example, the address is on a blacklist or Robinson list, or no address is stored in the contact profile. For more information, see Skipped Messages (tab). |
Pie Chart
The pie chart displays a visual comparison of the accepted messages versus messages that bounced. Place your mouse over the chart to see the actual numbers. To print or export the graphic, click the symbol.
Setting | Description |
Accepted Rate | Displays the percentage of messages that the receiving email server accepted from Engage. Accepted messages are all messages that arrived at the client-server and did not produce a bounce. Accepted messages include messages that are delivered to the inbox and to the spam and junk folders. The Accepted Rate is calculated as follows: Accepted Rate = Accepted / Messages Sent |
Soft Bounces Rate | Displays the percentage of messages that produced a soft bounce. A soft bounce is a message that was not delivered to the recipient due to a temporary problem (for example, the mailbox is currently full). |
Hard Bounces Rate | Displays the percentage of messages that produced a hard bounce. A hard bounce is a message that was not delivered to the recipient due to a permanent problem (for example, the email address does not exist). |
Top 5 Domains: Confirmed Open Rate
This table lists the top 5 domains that were contacted most frequently during this sendout, as well as the opening rate at each domain. This can help you to identify problems in a specific domain.
Recipient Activity
Setting | Description |
View Details | Opens the Recipient Activity window, where you can explore more details about how your contacts interact with your message. The Recipient Activity window includes the following tools:
For more information, see Recipient Activity (window). |
Visual Reporting | The Visual Reporting window offers a visual summary of the clicks and link opens of your email message. Engage displays a preview of your message with the best and worst links highlighted right in the message display. This lets you see at a glance which content in your message was most appealing to contacts. Use this feedback to optimize your content creation for future messages. For more information, see Visual Reporting (window). |
Time Distribution | The Time Distribution window provides you with the ability to analyze, within a given time frame after sendout, how many recipients have opened or clicked a message. This makes it possible to analyze recipient activity over time. For more information, see Time Distribution (window). |
Confirmed Open Rate | Engage detects a confirmed open when at least one of the following is true:
The Confirmed Open Rate is calculated as follows: Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers / Accepted messages |
Confirmed Openers | Displays the number of recipients who were confirmed to have opened a message. Confirmed openers include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. It is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. |
Confirmed Opens | Displays the total number of times that the email was opened. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this counts multiple times. |
CTR (Click Through Rate) | The CTR (Click Through Rate) represents the number of recipients who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages. The CTR is calculated as follows: CTR = Clickers / Accepted messages |
CTO | The Click-To-Open rate represents the number of clickers divided by the number of confirmed openers for the message. The CTO is calculated according as follows: Click-To-Open Rate = Clickers / Confirmed Openers |
Clickers | Displays the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time.
Total Clicks | This entry displays the total number of clicks on any link in the message. |
Forwarders | This entry represents the number of recipients who forwarded the message using our system's forward button in the message. |
Bar Chart
The bar chart provides a graphical representation of the Confirmed Openers and Clickers. Place your mouse over the chart to see the actual numbers. To print or export the graphic, click the symbol.
Confirmed Openers: Displays the number of recipients who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. In addition to using a tracking pixel to identify an opener, all other recipient activity within a message (e.g. clicking on a link) counts as a confirmed opener.
Clickers: Displays the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time. The statistical analysis of link clicks is available under the Link Analysis tab (see Link Analysis (tab)).
Losses and Potential Reach
This area displays problems that occurred during the sendout and delivery of the message, and how many forwards resulted from the message.
Setting | Description |
Addresses Lost | Displays the numbers of addresses that are no longer available for contact in future sendouts. Addresses may be "lost" either due to an automatic process (invalid domains, hard bounces) or because of a recipient's reaction to your mail (spam complaints, unsubscribes).
Additional Sends | Displays the number of additional recipients who received the message through various actions, but were not included in the initial sendout. |
Total Forwards | Displays the number of recipients who forwarded the message using our system's forward button in the message. Messages forwarded directly from the email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail) are not included. |
Conversion Tracking makes it possible to evaluate message success based on pre-defined goals. This means that you are able to set goals for an email sendout and then check whether the recipient initiated the desired activity. Such activities are always associated with one or more landing pages. Activities may vary depending on which landing page is visited through the message link.
View Details: Opens the Conversions window, where you can analyze your conversion data in more detail. For more information, see Conversions (window).
Setting | Description |
Conversion Rate | Displays the number of unique conversions divided by the number of accepted messages. This Conversion Rate is calculated as follows: Conversion Rate = Conversions (Unique) / Accepted messages |
Conversions (Unique) | Displays the number of recipients who performed a conversion. This statistic includes all possible conversions in the message. The Conversions (Unique) are calculated on the basis of the Last Click Activity in this message. For more information, see Calculation of Conversions. |
Conversions (Total) | This entry shows the total number of conversions resulting from this message. This entry is comprehensive for all Conversion Tracking. That is, every recipient who completes a conversion (regardless of which specific conversion it is) is included here. The Conversions (Total) is calculated on the basis of the Last Click Activity in this message. For more information, see Calculation of Conversions. |
Total Sales | This entry displays the total sales resulting from the message. This entry is comprehensive for all Conversion Tracking. That is, it takes into account all resultant sales based on Conversion Tracking contained in the message. |