Multiple Event
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    Multiple Event

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    Article summary

    This event allows you to add multiple events on the same level, and in this way, define different customer journeys within the same whiteboard.




    Add Path

    Lets you add parallel paths to the whiteboard.

    • Add Event allows you to configure the desired event for the path.

    You can also add a negative path to the multiple event configuration. This allows you to define what happens with contacts for whom the specified events did not occur.

    If multiple events occur simultaneously, conditions will be processed from left to right, and the first matching event will be used.


    • If a contact meets Condition 1, the automation will send an email to them

    • The system checks if the contacts who haven't met Condition 1, meet Condition 2. If they do, the automation will send them an email (a different email than for Condition 1). 

    • The third path is the negative path. The system waits one day and checks again whether the remaining contacts met Condition 1 or Condition 2. If none of these conditions are met after this time, the system performs the specified job for these contacts. In this example, it removes the contacts from the group. You can define in the event settings, how long the system should wait before carrying out the job in the negative path.

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