My Activity Card
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    My Activity Card

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    Click Dashboard > Start. The My Activity Card is shown there.


    The ​My Activity​ card shows the messages, landing pages, and selections that you last worked on in Mapp Engage. Each object that you have created or edited in the last 15 days has a separate card in this column.

    You can immediately see the last action that you took with each object (for example, created or activated). Quick links on each card make open the projects for viewing or editing.

    You only see cards for your own work in Mapp Engage. You do not see cards for objects that your team members are working on.

    You need the following permissions to see this card:

    Permission Number

    Permission Name



    ​System Administration: View Processes Overview​

    System user can view running processes in the system. The ​My Activity​ card is visible on the start page.

    You see a card for each of the following objects that you have worked on recently:

    • Messages​

    • CMS Messages​

    • Selections​

    • Landing Pages​

    There are no cards for deleted objects.


    Mapp Engage creates one card per message that you have created or edited in the last 15 days. There are cards for all Mapp Engage channels (email, SMS, and push notifications).

    Tab. Permissions

    Permission Number

    Permission Name



    ​Messaging: Compose Email Message​

    System user can create email messages.


    ​Messaging: Compose SMS Message​

    System user can create SMS messages.


    ​Messaging: Compose Mobile Push Message​

    System user can create push notifications.


    ​Messaging: Edit Own Prepared Messages​

    System user can edit their own prepared messages.


    ​Messaging: Edit All Prepared Messages​

    System user can edit all prepared messages in the system.


    ​Messaging: View All Prepared Messages​

    System user can view all prepared messages in the system.

    Tab. Information




    Displays the name of the message. You name the message when you create it.


    Displays the date and time when the action took place.


    Displays the latest action that was taken with the object. Mapp Engage records the following types of actions:

    • ​Created:​ The last action with this message was to create the message and save the message as a draft or send the message to a group. Mapp Engage does not create a card for messages that you discard without saving. (This action also includes a message that was created as a copy of another message.)

    • ​Edited:​ The last action that you took on this message was to edit and save.

    • ​Archived:​ The last action that you took on this message was to archive the message.

    • ​Dearchived:​ The last action that you took on this message was to retrieve the message from the archive.


    Displays the message channel. There are cards for all Mapp Engage channels (email, SMS, and push notifications).

    •  ​Email:​ The message is an email. For more information, see Email​.

    • ​ SMS:​ The message is an SMS. For more information, see SMS Messaging​.

    • ​ Mobile Push:​ The message is a push notification. For more information, see Mobile Push​.

    ​Object Type​

    Displays the type of message.

    • ​Draft Message:​ The message is a draft message that has not been assigned to a group.

    • ​Prepared Message:​ A prepared message is a saved message that you have assigned to a group. A common use for prepared messages is automated sendouts, such as transactional messages and birthday messages.

    ​Group Name​

    Displays the name of the group that is assigned to the message. You only see this information for a prepared message.

    Opens the ​Preview Message​ window where you can view your message. You can check the content and personalizations of your message in this window. You can also send a copy of the message to an email address or to test recipients.

    Opens the message in edit mode. Use this action to resume work on your message. You can also start a sendout from this window.

    CMS Messages​

    Mapp Engage creates one card per CMS message that you have created or edited in the last 15 days.

    You only see CMS message cards if you use the content management system to create your messages. For more information, see CMS Messages​.

    Tab. Permissions

    Permission Number

    Permission Name



    ​CMS: View All CMS Messages​

    System user can view all CMS messages.


    ​CMS: View Own CMS Messages​

    System user can view own CMS messages.


    ​CMS: Edit All CMS Messages​

    System user can edit all CMS messages.


    ​CMS: Edit Own CMS Messages​

    System user can edit own CMS messages.

    Tab. Information




    Displays the name of the message. You name the message when you create it.


    Displays the date and time when the action took place.


    Displays the latest action that was taken with the object. Mapp Engage records the following types of actions:

    • ​Created:​ The latest action that you took with this message was to create the message and save the message as a draft. Mapp Engage does not create a card for messages that you discard without saving. (This action also includes a message that was created as a copy of another message.)

    • ​Edited:​ The last action that you took on this message was to edit and save.

    • ​Archived:​ The last action that you took on this message was to archive the message.

    • ​Dearchived:​ The last action that you took on this message was retrieve the message from the archive.

    ​Template Name​

    Displays the name of the CMS template that was used to create the message.


    Displays the number of paragraphs in the CMS message.

    Opens the ​Preview Message​ window where you can view your message. You can check the content and personalizations of your message in this window. You can also send a copy of the message to an email address or to test recipients.

    Opens the ​Edit CMS Message​ window. Use this action to resume work on your message. You can also start a sendout from this window.


    Mapp Engage creates one card per selection that you have created or edited in the last 15 days.

    Tab. Permissions

    Permission Number

    Permission Name



    ​Selections: Edit All Selections​

    System user can edit all selections.


    ​Selections: View All Selections​

    System user can view all selections.


    ​Selections: Edit Own Selections​

    System user can edit own selections.

    Tab. Information




    Displays the name of the selection.


    Displays the date and time when the action took place.


    Displays the latest action that was taken with the object. Mapp Engage records the following types of actions:

    • ​Created:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to create and save the selection. Mapp Engage does not create a card for selections that you discard without saving. (This action also includes a selection that was created as a copy of another selection.)

    • ​Edited:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to edit and save the selection. To display the number of contacts in the selection, you calculate the selection again.

    • ​Activated:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to activate the selection. Activation makes a selection available for use in other areas of the system, such as message composition and automations.

    • ​Transferred:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to transfer the members to a group.

    • ​Calculated:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to calculate the number of members in the selection.

    • ​Archived:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to archive the selection. Archived selections are not deleted, but remain stored in the system. Archived selections can be reactivated at any time.

    • ​Dearchived:​ The last action that you took on this selection was to dearchive the selection. When you dearchive a selection, you make the selection available for use again in Mapp Engage.


    Displays the number of contacts currently in the selection. This information is not available if the selection has never been calculated.

    If the calculation is not up-to-date, you can recalculate the selection in the ​Selections​ window.

    ​Calculation Date​

    Displays the date and time when the selection was last calculated. When you calculate a selection, Mapp Engage determines how many contacts are in the selection. This information is not available if the selection has never been calculated.

    If the calculation is not up-to-date, you can recalculate the selection in the ​Selections​ window.

    ​Group Name​

    Displays the name of the group to which members of the selection were transferred. This information is only available if the last action was ​Transferred​.

    Opens the selection in edit mode. Use this action to resume work on your selection. This information is not available for selections with the status ​Transferred​ or ​Archived​.

    Landing Pages​

    Mapp Engage creates one card per landing page that you have created or edited in the last 15 days.

    For more information, see Landing Pages​.

    Tab. Permissions

    Permission Number

    Permission Name



    ​CMS: View All Landing Pages​

    System user can view all landing pages.


    ​CMS: Edit Own Landing Pages​

    System user can edit own landing pages.


    ​CMS: Edit All Landing Pages​

    System user can edit all landing pages.

    Tab. Information




    Displays the name of the landing page. You name the landing page when you create it. This name is only used to identify the name of the landing page within the Mapp Engage system.


    Displays the date and time when the action took place.


    Displays the last action that was made with the object. Mapp Engage records the following types of actions:

    • ​Created:​ The last action that you took on this landing page was to create and save the landing page. Mapp Engage does not create a card for landing pages that you discard without saving. (This action also includes a landing page that was created as a copy of another landing page.)

    • ​Edited: The​ last action that you took on this landing page was to edit and save the landing page.

    • ​Published:​ The last action that you took on this landing page was to publish the landing page. Publication means that your landing page is now live and accessible on the internet. Your contacts can view the landing page when they click the respective URL or use a search engine to find the landing page.

    • ​Scheduled:​ The last action that you took on this landing page was to schedule publication for a future date and time.

    • ​Deactivated:​ The last action that you took on this landing page was to deactivate the landing page. A deactivated landing page is no longer published. Your contacts can no longer access or view the landing page.


    Displays the domain of your landing page. The domain is a part of the URL that defines where the landing page is accessed.

    ​Page Name​

    Displays the end of the landing page URL that includes the page name.

    ​URL Hyperlink​

    Displays a hyperlink to the landing page. A hyperlink is only available for published landing pages.


    Displays the status of the landing page.

    • ​Inactive:​ A landing page has the status inactive when this landing page is not accessible for customers. An inactive landing page can be one of two things:

      • A landing page that has not yet been scheduled or published has the status inactive. Even if a redirection has been set up for this landing page, redirection does not apply in this case.

      • A landing page that was previously published and then deactivated (either manually or at an automatic deactivation date) also has the status inactive. If redirection has been set up for this landing page, the landing page is now redirected.

    • ​Published:​ A landing page has the status ​Published​ when the landing page is published. Your contacts can view the landing page when they click the respective URL or use a search engine to find the landing page.

    ​Publishing Date​

    Displays the date when the landing page is scheduled for publication. This information is only available for landing pages with the status ​Scheduled​.

    Opens the ​Landing Page Preview​ window. This window provides a visual preview of the landing page. You can preview personalizations with the profile attributes of any contact in the system. For more information, see Landing Page Preview (window)​.

    Opens the landing page in edit mode. Use this action to resume work on your landing page.

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