Navigation in Mapp Acquire
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    Navigation in Mapp Acquire

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    Article summary

    Top Navigation in Mapp Acquire​




    Mapp Switcher

    Switches between the tools that are available on your system.

    • ​Engage​ Opens the main ​Mapp Engage​ system. Use ​Mapp Engage​ to create and deliver professional, personalized content to your customers in multiple channels. In addition to the campaign orchestration, the ​Messaging​ area is where you store and manage contacts, view statistics, and perform many administrative activities. For more information, see ​Messaging​.

    ​Notification Center​

    Opens your ​Notification Center​. This panel shows the latest alerts, news, and updates for your system.

    ​Profile Name​

    Provides access to the basic settings of your system user account in the system.


    ​Real-Time Dashboard:​ Shows key activity across one or more platforms in real time. You can easily configure the dashboard to reflect your preferences and priorities.


    ​Report Central:​ Opens the ​Report Central​ window. Here you can generate a report with any combination of dimensions and measures. For more information, see ​Report Central (window)​.


    ​Exports:​ Shows the exports that are generated from your Acquire tool. Here you can view details, status, and download your export. After completion, exports are available on the system for up to 72 hours.

    Privacy Notice

    ​User Overlap:​ Opens the ​User Overlap​ window. Here you can analyze the degree to which unique users overlap between different audiences or pixels. For more information, see ​User Overlap (window)​.


    ​Audience Insights:​ Opens the ​Audience Insights​ window. Here you can analyze the performance of your audiences. For more information, see ​Audience Insights (window)​.


    Logs you out of Acquire. If you confirm the log out, you are sent to an Acquire login page.

    Main Navigation in Mapp Acquire​





    Expands or collapses the main navigation to display symbols only or symbols and text.

    ​Data Collection​

    Shows the Acquire tracking pixels that are configured and saved in your Acquire tool. For more information, see ​Data Collection Information​, ​Pixels​, and ​Data Collection Overview (window)​.

    ​Custom Audience​

    Shows the custom audiences that are configured and saved in your system. In Acquire, you can build a custom audience from several sources. For more information, see ​Audiences​ and ​Custom Audience (window)​.

    ​Lookalike Audience​

    Shows the lookalike audiences that are configured and saved in your Acquire tool. A lookalike audience lets you increase your audience to reach people who resemble one of your established audiences, custom events, or pixels. For more information, see ​Lookalike Audience (window)​ and ​Add Lookalike Audience (window)​.


    Expands the area where you review and analyze the data that Acquire collects.

    ​Real-Time Dashboard:​ Shows key activity across one or more platforms in real time. You can easily configure the dashboard to reflect your preferences and priorities.

    ​Report Central:​ Opens the ​Report Central​ window. Here you can generate a report with any combination of dimensions and measures. For more information, see ​Report Central (window)​.

    ​Exports:​ Shows the exports that are generated from your Acquire tool. Here you can view details, status, and download your export. After completion, exports are available on the system for up to 72 hours.

    ​User Overlap:​ Opens the ​User Overlap​ window. Here you can analyze the degree to which unique users overlap between different audiences or pixels. For more information, see ​User Overlap (window)​.

    ​Audience Insights:​ Opens the ​Audience Insights​ window. Here you can analyze the performance of your audiences. For more information, see ​Audience Insights (window)​.

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