Notify Subscribers About Latest App Release
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    Notify Subscribers About Latest App Release

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    Article summary


    Notify existing subscribers about a new version of your app so they have the opportunity to update it. 


    You want to run a quarterly notification program targeting contacts who haven't installed a new version of your app recently. In your message, you can direct them to the App Store or Play Store, where they can download the latest version.


    Show detailed configuration

    • Condition
      Mobile Activity > App Installation Date: App Installation Date is more than 3 months ago 

    Follow-up Action

    • Create a Mobile Push Notification or In-App Message.

      The contact receives an In-App Message while using your app.

      A Mobile Push Notification is sent independently of the contact using the app. 

    • Apply the segment as the Specific Target Audience in your sendout.

    Related Topics

    Mobile Push Messaging
    In-App Messaging

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