Opt-out Methods
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    Opt-out Methods

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    Article summary

    Maintaining an accurate and secure database of contacts is essential for effective digital marketing. Our system provides numerous opt-out methods to ensure that you meet customer expectations. You can see below how each method affects the data.


    Group Blacklist

    System Blacklist

    Robinson List

    Statistics History

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics are recorded from this group.

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics recorded.

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics recorded.

    Event History in Specific Group

    Permanently removed from system

    No new statistics are recorded for this group.

    Permanently removed from system.

    Remains in the system.

    Event History in System

    Remains in the system.

    Permanently removed from system.

    Remains in the system.

    Existence in Group

    Removed from group and cannot be reimported into this group.

    Removed from the system and cannot be reimported.

    Remains in the group.

    Skipped during sendout.

    Existence in System

    Remains in the system.


    Remains in the system.

    Skipped during sendout.

    Is the action reversible?

    Once the contact is removed from the group blacklist, they can resubscribe to the group as a new member.

    However, previously deleted group data cannot be recovered.

    Once the contact is removed from the group blacklist, they can resubscribe to the group as a new member.

    However, previously deleted group data cannot be recovered.

    If the email address, mobile number, or domain is removed from the Robinson list, the system can contact it once more.

    A Robinson list normally applies to all groups in the system. However, you can turn the list on or off for specific sendout groups.


    Deactivation in Group

    System-Wide Deactivation

    Statistics History

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics are recorded from this group.

    Previous statistics retained.

    No new statistics recorded.

    Event History in Specific Group

    Remains in the system.

    Remains in the system.

    Event History in System

    Remains in the system.

    Remains in the system.

    Existence in Group

    Remains in the group.

    Contact is skipped during sendout to the group.

    Remains in the system.

    Existence in System

    Remains in the system.

    Remains in the system.

    Is the action reversible?

    The contact can be reactivated from the user interface.

    The contact can be reactivated from the user interface.


    Unsubscribe from a Specific Group

    Unsubscribe from All Groups (Automation)

    Statistics History

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics are recorded from this group.

    Previous statistics retained.

    No new statistics recorded.

    Event History in Specific Group

    Remains in the system.

    Remains in the system.

    Event History in System

    Remains in the system.

    Remains in the system.

    Existence in Group

    Removed from the group.

    Removed from the group.

    Existence in System

    Remains in the system. Assigned ​Bounced​ status in the specific group.

    Remains in the system. Assigned ​Bounced​ status in all groups

    Is the action reversible?

    The contact can resubscribe or be added to the group.

    The contact can resubscribe or be added to the groups.

    Removal and Deletion​ 

    Removal from a Specific Group

    Removal or Deletion from a System

    Statistics History

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics are recorded from this group.

    Previous statistics retained.

    No new statistics recorded.

    Event History in Specific Group

    Removed from system.

    Removed from system.

    Event History in System

    Removed from system.

    Removed from system.

    Existence in Group

    Removed from group.

    Removed from system.

    Existence in System

    Remains in system.

    Removed from system.

    Is the action reversible?

    The contact can resubscribe or be added to the group.

    The contact can be added to system as a new contact.



    Statistics History

    Previous statistics are retained.

    No new statistics recorded.

    Event History in Specific Group

    Removed from system.

    Event History in System

    Removed from system.

    Existence in Group

    Removed from system.

    Existence in System

    Removed from system.

    Is the action reversible?

    Data can no longer be associated with a specific contact. The conversion is irreversible.

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