Phase Out a Whiteboard
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    Phase Out a Whiteboard

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    Article summary

    You can deactivate a whiteboard plan gradually over a specific time period. Once the phase-out process starts, no new contacts can enter the whiteboard. Contacts who entered the whiteboard before the phase-out period began can complete all whiteboard steps.

    The phase-out option is only available for active time-based Whiteboards.


    1. ​In the ​main navigation​, click​ Automations​ > ​Whiteboards.

    2. In the ​Whiteboards​ window, click the name of the active whiteboard that you want to end gradually.

    3. Click ​Phase Out​. Mapp Engage begins the phase-out process immediately.

    To deactivate a whiteboard immediately, click ​Deactivate​. When you deactivate a whiteboard, all its automations end and all contacts who are on the whiteboard exit at once.

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