Prediction-based Campaigns: Re-engagement Based on Churn Probability
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    Prediction-based Campaigns: Re-engagement Based on Churn Probability

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    Article summary

    Mapp's Artificial Intelligence Assistant includes a predictive feature to better segment audiences and target them in Mapp Engage. 

    This video’s use case illustrates how an insight-led churn prevention automated marketing plan can help to re-engage your users and proactively support customer retention.


    Find more information in the course Mapp Cloud - Mapp AI Assistant.

    Here are the steps that are mentioned in the video above.





    Audience > Segmentation > CI Segments

    Activate CI segment criterion Predicted churn probability - high


    Audience > Segmentation > Segmentation Builder

    Create segment High Churn that includes the CI Segment criterion Predicted churn probability - high

    More information on segment creation


    Create New > Message > Email Message

    Create three prepared email messages

    1. email: activity

    2. email: re-engagement

    3. email: feedback

    More information on message creation


    Automations > Whiteboards

    Create recurring whiteboard

    1. step: choose Whiteboard Audience

      • select main group Master_Email

      • select segment High Churn

    2. step: add Send Email job and select the activity email

    3. step: Wait job and select one week

    4. step: add Send Email job and select the re-engagement email

    5. step: Wait job and select one week

    6. add Send Email job and select the feedback email

    More information on whiteboards

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    AI Assistant, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence